Crazy Azz Women: REAL TALK!!!*** A Blog by C Double R! A blog where men and women can sound off about the male/female relationship.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Is Being Attractive a Blessing or a Curse?
Is being attractive a double edge sword? On one hand having good looks can open many doors for opportunities. It could possibly get you free entry into events, clubs, free dinners, drinks, hired and even a promotion. But on the other hand it could create unwarranted enemies and perhaps a misconceive notion about you.
For attractive women, especially single women, being attractive can definitely be a good thing. Attractive women are very often wined and dined, taking on vacations, have personal handy men and are lavished with gifts. However, this could create tension and jealousy with other females, who we will say are not as attractive. They will often be shunned from other women who have boyfriends or husbands; they are hated on by other women and often referred to as “stuck up” by them. Perceived notions are developed very quickly when it comes to attractive women. They are often called spoiled, conceit and superficial even before they are able to reveal their true personality.
It’s a little different for men. I had men tell me they often use their most attractive male friend to reel in the women in the club, bar on while on vacation. Men actually use their most attractive male friend as bait to get women whereas women usually ostracize other attractive women for one of two reasons. One, because they feel inferior or because they are attractive too and don’t want to compete for attention from men.
So there you have it. Being attractive has both, pros and cons. However, if you are an attractive person don’t let other people thoughts and attitudes toward you make you become someone that you are not. If you got it going on then you got it going on and consider it a blessing!
I’m just saying.
C Double R!
Make sure you get a copy of my erotic suspense book REACTIONS by going to or Amazon.
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please contact me at
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Just Because I’m Sexy Doesn’t Mean You Can Sex Me!!
Just because I wear tight jeans that accentuate the roundness of my bottom, or a dress that compliment my curvy hips and thick thighs doesn’t mean I’m ready to jump in your bed. Just because I’m sexy doesn’t mean you can sex me!
I had a good friend of mine ask me to write about this topic. She wanted me to clear up the misconception of a sexy woman. Some men think just because a woman is sexy she is easy to sex. Now let’s examine the word sexy, shall we. There is a difference from being sexy and being trashy. A woman can be sexy in a pair of jeans and a tee shirt. The jeans may be sexy because they hug her in all the right spots and the fitted tee shirt because it highlights her assets. She is being sexy without even trying and without exposing her skin. Trashy is when a woman is drawing attention to herself for all of the wrong reasons because she have damn near all of her orifices hanging out for the whole world to see. Ladies this is not sexy this is trashy.
As my homegirl Ms. Nikki said just because I am sexy doesn’t mean I want to have sex with you. I’m sexy and classy not sexy and trashy. I’m sexy dressed up or down. I own sexy where others have to lease it with an option to buy.
So guys learn to differentiate sexy classy from sexy trashy and once you recognize the difference make sure your game is tight if you want to be with Ms. Right. If your game is weak then you may end up with the freak of the week!
I’m just saying
C Double R!
Make sure you pick up her new erotic suspense novel REACTIONS now available at
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please
contact her at
Monday, October 24, 2011
Time For Fall Cleaning- Choice, Chance, Change
Now that summer has changed to fall is it also time to make changes in our personal relationships? I love watching the season change from summer to fall, the changing of the leaves on the trees, the cool brisk mornings and the cool night air. It’s as if nature is going through a cleanse, it’s regenerating and preparing itself for a fresh start by getting rid of all the pollution and stale air from the summer’s heat. Is this also a good time to regenerate our personal relationships?
If you have someone or people in your life that are holding you down and are non-supportive maybe it’s time to clean your personal “house of friends”. I truly believe if someone is not adding something to your life then they are definitely taking away from it. It’s up to you to decide if that “friendship” is an asset or a liability.
I believe we meet people for a reason, season or a lifetime. If you met someone who brought sadness into your life but it was a lesson learned, then that means that person was put in your life for a reason. If you met someone that you enjoyed for a short period of time but didn’t bring a significant change in your life then this person was brought into your life for a season, not for a specific reason. Then you have that person you met that no matter what happens in your life; good, bad or indifferent he or she is a constant figure, which means that person was not brought into your life for a season or a reason, but for a lifetime.
One thing I have learned in life is that you must make a choice to take a chance if you want anything in life to change, because at the end of the day, only a fool will continuously do the same thing and expect a different outcome.
I’m just saying
C Double R
Also make sure you pick up her new erotic suspense novel REACTIONS now available at
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please contact her at
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Menage a Trois - Is it Worth the Risk?
This is the ubiquitous fantasy of almost every man. Men have been fantasizing about this fantasy since the beginning of time and from the start of their puberty. Every time I ask a man what is his biggest sexual fantasy the first thing that comes out of his mouth is a ménage a trois, that’s if they haven’t acted on the fantasy yet. I do know men who have admitted to acting out this fantasy with either one of their buddies or two women.
I have been told if this is a fantasy that you want or planning on fulfilling it shouldn’t be with someone that you are in a serious relationship with or truly care about because you may run the risk of having your fantasy back fire on you. I had a buddy tell me that he dated this woman who helped him live out this fantasy, she had sex with him and two other women, a couple of his boys on several occasions. When she found out that he was getting married she asked him why wasn’t he marrying her and he simply stated, “I can’t married you, you slept with my boys.” At this point, she could have been Michele Obama, Halle Berry or had everything going on for herself but because he knew she slept with his boys and he was a participant in the act he lost all respect for her.
Now on the flip side, if you do carry out this fantasy with someone that you are in a serious relationship with or really care about you may find yourself left out in the cold when it’s all said and done. You may hound your woman for months at a time or even years to help fulfill this fantasy of yours and then when she finally grants your wish she could get turned out by the third party, it could be male or female and mess around either leaving or cheating on your ass with the very person you begged to bring into your bedroom. So, be careful for want you wish for because you just might get it and in the end you may be on the outside looking in.
I was told this is something that you want to do with a woman who is just your buddy and have no intentions on getting serious with or someone you’ll never see again, like someone that you and your buddy meet on vacation. I was told if a man ask you to do this then he really doesn’t have respect for you or isn’t trying to make you “wifey”. Men, is this true? What if your woman is hounding you to do a ménage a trois does this means she really doesn’t care about you, or is she just a freak?
I’m just saying?
C Double R!
Monday, September 26, 2011
Set a Date with Your Mate
A good way to keep your relationship fresh is to have an affair with your mate. Yes, I said have an affair with your mate! If your name is Lisa change your name to Sasha when you call to flirt with your mate. Schedule a date with him and don’t arrive together. Meet him at the movies, restaurant or wherever you planned to meet. When you see your man waiting for you, walk up to him and introduce yourself as Sasha with the sexiest smile you can muster up. The key is to be someone you’re usually are not around your mate. If you usually wear button up shirts to your neck, unbutton a few buttons, or if you usually wear long skirts, throw on a sexy mini skirt. If you usually don’t wear make-up or wear your hair down put on that shiny lip gloss and let your hair down, after all it’s all in fun and it’s a great form of foreplay.
How does that saying go, “If you want to keep me then you have to continue to do the things you did to get me”. People, I have to tell you, this is more than just a phrase, it’s a fact. This goes for both men and women. If you cooked for your man 5 days a week but now you only cook once a week, that’s a problem. If you use to buy your woman flowers once a week and now she only get them once a year, that’s a problem. If you all use to have passionate sex at least three times a week and now it’s once a month, this is DEFINITELY a problem!
I understand that life can sometimes get in the way, but anything worth having usually requires a little work on your part. If you appreciate your mate then show him or her. Make a commitment to date each other and make a promise to never stop dating each other. If you never stop dating each other then you will always have excitement in your relationship.
I’m Just Saying
C Double R!
Make sure you pick up my new erotic suspense novel REACTIONS now available at
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please
contact her at
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Are You in a “Relationship” or a “Situation”?
Some people have the tendency to confuse these two words and in their defense they truly may not know the difference, so it is my job to help them understand the difference.
You are in a relationship when both parties mutually agree that they are in a relationship and not just one person “thinking” they’re in a relationship when it hasn’t been discussed with the other person. Just because you pack an overnight bag and stay at the other person’s house, doesn’t mean you’re in a relationship. Or just because you have a toothbrush at the other person’s house doesn’t mean you’re in a relationship with this person. If it hasn’t been openly discussed then don’t assume that you are in a relationship, because we all know what happens when people assume.
You may be in a “situation” if you are doing the aforementioned things and you never discussed your status with the other person. Ladies, and men too, don’t be too quick to change your relationship status on Facebook to “in a relationship” if you haven’t discussed it with the other person who is in this “alleged” relationship because you may be in for a rude awakening.
Now on the other hand, if it has been discussed by both partners and it’s mutually agreed that you all are in a “situation” and not a “relationship” and you are satisfied with that status then that is fine too. But if you are unsure of your current status them maybe it’s time you have that relationship discussion with the other person so you know exactly where you stand with that person, instead of assuming.
I’m just saying.
C Double R!
Make sure you pick up my new erotic suspense novel REACTIONS now available at
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please
contact her at
You are in a relationship when both parties mutually agree that they are in a relationship and not just one person “thinking” they’re in a relationship when it hasn’t been discussed with the other person. Just because you pack an overnight bag and stay at the other person’s house, doesn’t mean you’re in a relationship. Or just because you have a toothbrush at the other person’s house doesn’t mean you’re in a relationship with this person. If it hasn’t been openly discussed then don’t assume that you are in a relationship, because we all know what happens when people assume.
You may be in a “situation” if you are doing the aforementioned things and you never discussed your status with the other person. Ladies, and men too, don’t be too quick to change your relationship status on Facebook to “in a relationship” if you haven’t discussed it with the other person who is in this “alleged” relationship because you may be in for a rude awakening.
Now on the other hand, if it has been discussed by both partners and it’s mutually agreed that you all are in a “situation” and not a “relationship” and you are satisfied with that status then that is fine too. But if you are unsure of your current status them maybe it’s time you have that relationship discussion with the other person so you know exactly where you stand with that person, instead of assuming.
I’m just saying.
C Double R!
Make sure you pick up my new erotic suspense novel REACTIONS now available at
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please
contact her at
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Don’t Carry Someone Else’s Baggage!
I attended a very interesting women’s empowerment luncheon the other day and the speaker made a statement that resonated with me. To quote her she said, “Don’t carry someone’s baggage”. Just to put this in context she was referencing the business world, but I immediately thought this could be applied to personal relationships too.
The question that lead to this response was “How do you prepare yourself for a meeting with a manager that you know have preconceive notions about you or someone like you, whether it’s because of your age, gender, race, sexual preference, etc?” You don’t, you don’t allow their preconceive notions change the true you and your agenda, in essence don’t carry their baggage.
This train of thought can be easily applied to our personal relationships. Sometimes we try to change who we are to gain another person’s trust or love because they have preconceive notions about us. If someone loves you then they will love you for you, period. You should never change the true you just because someone can’t handle or respect what you represent. Because if that’s the case then they don’t deserve you in the first place!
Some men have certain ideas about certain women; independent woman, overweight women, soft spoken women, provocatively dress women, and the list goes on. This doesn’t mean they don’t have a right to their opinions, but they do need to acknowledge facts and let the woman’s actions speak for themselves before they decide to place her in a general box.
Bottom line is this, you can’t always make someone change the way they think, but you can definitely educated them on the true you! Never carry someone’s baggage because it will only chip away at your true authenticity!
I’m just saying!
C Double R!
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please contact her at
Also pick up her erotic thriller REACTIONS at
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Ladies this is a very important topic. I know how it is when you first meet a guy who you think is fione as all get out and you get butterflies in your stomach when you see his name come up on your caller id or when you see his car pull up in front of your house. The first thing you say to yourself is “he can get it!” Well ladies I am here to tell you, pump the brakes!
I have learned through experience and from conversations with other women when you learn the value of keeping your stuff to yourself it’s priceless. A man will do all he can to get you in the bed if he is really feeling you physically. He will wine and dine you, take you shopping, fix things around your house, take you on trips, basically anything when he is in pursuit of the booty.
A smart woman knows the power of the “Untapped Wanted Booty” and she will use it to her advantage. Now this is not to say she is not feeling the dude but she knows the value of her body and she will not just give it to the first dude that is interested and is willing to do anything to get it. However, this doesn’t mean she won’t use it to her advantage either. However, in the interim a smart woman will also find out if dude is just interested in her booty or her being. An intelligent woman knows what the deal is. However, a smart and conniving woman will play this game for as long as she can or until dude realizes that he is just being played. So fellas just some words of advice “Game recognizes game” so make sure yours is tight.
I’m just saying.
C Double R!
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please contact her at
I have learned through experience and from conversations with other women when you learn the value of keeping your stuff to yourself it’s priceless. A man will do all he can to get you in the bed if he is really feeling you physically. He will wine and dine you, take you shopping, fix things around your house, take you on trips, basically anything when he is in pursuit of the booty.
A smart woman knows the power of the “Untapped Wanted Booty” and she will use it to her advantage. Now this is not to say she is not feeling the dude but she knows the value of her body and she will not just give it to the first dude that is interested and is willing to do anything to get it. However, this doesn’t mean she won’t use it to her advantage either. However, in the interim a smart woman will also find out if dude is just interested in her booty or her being. An intelligent woman knows what the deal is. However, a smart and conniving woman will play this game for as long as she can or until dude realizes that he is just being played. So fellas just some words of advice “Game recognizes game” so make sure yours is tight.
I’m just saying.
C Double R!
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please contact her at
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Men Are Territorial Creatures Who Like to Roam Outside Their Territory!
This article is dedicated to someone I know. You know who you are.
I read the other day that Sean “Puffy” Combs threaten to kill one of Kim Porter’s male friends if he didn’t stay away from her. Now let’s break this down, shall we. Puffy is known for his philandering ways and for not marrying Kim Porter, even though she is the mother of 3 of his children. She has repeatedly stood by this man’s side while he has had relationships with Jennifer Lopez and Cassidy, just to name a few. So who is to blame for his behavior, Kim or him?
It is known that he pays Kim very handsomely for the children and also gives her extra loot to keep her as a “kept woman”, with one stipulation, she can’t fool around. Apparently she condones this behavior because she has been in the background for years and it looks like she will always be around, never as the leading lady, but always as a supporting cast member.
I guess when it comes to money one may never really know how they might respond to certain demands placed upon them. But I have to ask the question, “What about self pride and getting a damn backbone?” What example is Kim setting for her children, especially her two beautiful daughters when she allows herself to be used as a doormat?
Women, I said it before and I will say it again, KNOW YOUR SELF WORTH! Because if you don’t acknowledge it, embrace it, and enforce it, then no one else will. Always remember you have the power and no one can ever take it away from you unless you give it away!
I’m just saying.
C Double R!
To read more articles by C Double R! please visit Also make sure you pick up her new erotic suspense novel REACTIONS available in July .
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please
contact her at
Friday, August 26, 2011
Do Social Media Networks Cause Problems or Uncover Them in Relationships?
“Facebook ruined my relationship, I found out my boyfriend was cheating on Twitter, I hate social media networks because they create relationship problems!” These are some of the things I am sure all of us have heard from someone who uses social media networking sites. But the question is, “Do Social media networks cause problems or uncover them in relationships?”
I have to go with the latter. I believe they uncover existing problems in relationships. I don’t think social media networks change people actions they just make them more pronounce. What was once done in the dark will be revealed in the light, and social media networks my friends is the “light”.
Social media networks are not the only “frenemy” to cheating mates, but so are cell phones. With cameras, videos and everything else that is attached to cell phones today could make a recipe for a disastrous outcome for cheating mates. It’s your friend when you want to communicate with your mistress, but it’s your enemy when your mate discovers your communications with your mistress via the social networks or cell phone. This goes for women too, not just cheating men.
So, again in my opinion, I think social media networks bring the dirt to the forefront and make it harder for the “cheaters” to hide their cheating ways. Also, for you cheaters, if you don’t want to be put on blast I suggest you don’t have your mistress as a friend on your social media network page and for pete sakes please do not take compromising photos that can eventually end up on social media networks or delivered to your mate’s cell phone!
I’m just saying.
C Double R!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
How To Tell If She or He is Just Not Into You!
Ladies, men too, do you only get a phone call when your mate is feeling frisky and needs to release some tension? Or always have an emergency and they need you to come get them, loan them some money or take them somewhere, but don’t need you to stay? If you answered yes to more than one of these scenarios consider yourself as being used!
Do you find that you are the one that is always giving and not receiving ( sexually, emotionally, physically, and monetary)? The only one who goes out their way to do something nice for your mate? Or the only one that is fulfilling your partner’s needs and it is not reciprocated? Again, consider yourself as being used!
Does he or she always seem to make up excuses as to why they can’t do anything for you, such as they can’t come get you because their car is down, they can’t help you out financially because they don’t get paid until Friday or they have child support money due, or come up with an excuse to break a date because it’s their turn to pay? Need I say it again, consider yourself as being used!
If they are always coming up with excuses for you to give them money, or you all have a joint bank account and you are the only one putting money in it and they are always taking money out of it, close that damn account immediately! Take charge of your life and stop trying to buy love.
I said it before and I will say it again, read the signs people. A relationship is all about reciprocity. If you find yourself always the one giving and never receiving then it’s not a relationship it’s a charity and guess who is making all of the donations? You!
I’m just saying.
C Double R!
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions
please contact her at and vist to purchase her erotic suspende novel REACTIONS
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Loved Up, But Not Wifed Up!
Ladies have you ever fell into the “wait until” trap with your man? Wait until I finish school, wait until we buy the house, wait until I get the promotion, wait until I get my divorce? Yes, women will actually stay with a man for years even though she knows he is still married in the hopes that one day he will get a divorce and marry her. Why do so many women fall for the “wait until” game?
The kicker is when the man says “I’m not going nowhere and neither are you so what’s the rush?” WTF!! Are you serious? That’s even more of a reason for him to put a ring on it! A woman will stay with a man for years, have babies for him, buy a house with him and he will never marry her you know why? Because she has already given him everything that a married coupled give each other which mean he doesn’t have any motivation to marry her. I’m just saying!!
Ladies stop playing house and stop putting the cart in front of the horse, make him work for your love. Put your foot down and if that means that you have to remove yourself from the situation to make him realize how lucky HE is to have you as his woman then do it! This is easier said than done, but in the end it is all worth it because at the end of the day you will know if the whole relationship is really worth your time and energy and if that man really loves you like he says he does.
If you are good enough to “portray” the image of the wife by living together, having kids together supporting him emotionally, spiritually and even financially then you should be good enough for him to put a ring on it and make it official and be called the Mrs. and not my lady, girl, love of my life, girlfriend or fiancée!
There is a huge difference between being the Mrs. and the girlfriend/fiancée. When a man introduces his woman as his wife there is an instant respect factor from other women as oppose to him introducing her as his lady or fiancée. Here’s some real talk, if you have a good man and other women know it and if you are not his wife then they see him as “still available”. If you don’t appreciate your worth and don’t make him wife you up then another “smart” woman will because she knows her worth just like she knows his.
I’m just saying!
Make sure you check out my new erotic suspense novel REACTIONS at
C Double R!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
REACTIONS Is Finally Here!
If you love erotic suspense novels then this is the book for you!
I am excited to announce my erotic suspense novel REACTIONS is now available. This is a book that deals with relationships, abnormal sexual behaviors and broken marriages. The book really breaks down the reason why every action has a reaction!
The characters of the book are based out of the Philadelphia area. The three main characters are Shameka Nicole Williams, Tracy Marie Jackson and Christopher Jamal Johnson.
Shameka Nicole Williams- a savvy, sexy businesswoman who secretly loves having sex with strange men in strange places and has no interest in settling down. When she starts having the same reoccurring nightmare she seeks professional help. What Shameka learns will change her life forever.
Tracy Marie Jackson- Shameka’s best friend since kindergarten and the sweet girl next door. She’s married to her successful college sweetheart, Eric Jackson, runs a non-profit organization, lives in a million dollar condo in downtown Philly, Tracy has the perfect life or so it seems. The only thing that’s missing is a child. Just when things are going as planned tragedy strikes that rocks Tracy’s whole world.
Christopher Jamal Johnson- the retired NBA player turned ESPN sportscaster. He’s married to his college sweetheart, Tina Johnson, has two beautiful children and is trying his hardest to leave his past behind, but this is proving to be the toughest challenge he has ever faced in his entire life. Can Chris gain the courage to put his philandering ways aside and become the faithful husband his wife always desired or will someone from his past prevent him from doing so?
REACTIONS has been getting great reviews. Here is what some of the readers had to say:
“C Double R is definitely the new Zane on the block! REACTIONS is a sexy well written novel that captures your attention from the first page to the last” – Sandi Burgis, author of Feelings Flow
“I read this book in one night! It kept my interest from the beginning to the end! I can’t wait for REACTIONS II next year!” – Lisa W. from Los Angeles, CA.
See for yourself. Get your copy now! Go to . If you’re in the Philadelphia area please come join me at my book release party at 7165 Germantown Avenue Lounge, 7165 Germantown Ave, Phila., Pa. 19119 on Sunday August 7, 2011 from 6pm to 10pm. If you have any questions please contact me at
Hope to see you there!
I’m just saying..
C Double R!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
C Double R’s Could Have Been Worst Theory
A lot of people always focus on the worst when it comes to unfortunate situations instead of counting their blessing, especially when it comes to relationships. Let me explain C Double R’s Could Have Been Worst Theory.
The Could Have Been Worst Theory is when you take a bad situation that you have experienced and compare it to a much worst situation, then count your blessings and keep it moving. For example, you may feel embarrassed and hurt if you found out that your mate/spouse was cheating on you. However, if you compare your situation to a person who found out that their mate/spouse was cheating on them and produced three children that you didn’t know about with this person you should count your blessings it’s not you and keep it moving!
Another scenario is if you found out that your mate/spouse blew all of the bill money on gambling and now you’re facing foreclosure. Compare your situation to a person who’s mate/spouse blew all of the bill money on gambling and drinking and take it out on you by physically abusing you. Count your blessings it’s not you and keep it moving!
I think some people are so focused on the negative in certain situations that they never see that it could have been worst. I think if we started to train our minds to adopt the Could Have Been Worst Theory a lot of people would be better off and could recover quicker from a bad situation, especially when it comes to our relationships.
Besides what don’t kills us only makes us stronger so when you find yourself in a bad situation just remember “it could have been worst”.
I’m just saying.
C Double R
To buy C Double R’s highly anticipated novel REACTIONS go to
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please
contact her at
The Could Have Been Worst Theory is when you take a bad situation that you have experienced and compare it to a much worst situation, then count your blessings and keep it moving. For example, you may feel embarrassed and hurt if you found out that your mate/spouse was cheating on you. However, if you compare your situation to a person who found out that their mate/spouse was cheating on them and produced three children that you didn’t know about with this person you should count your blessings it’s not you and keep it moving!
Another scenario is if you found out that your mate/spouse blew all of the bill money on gambling and now you’re facing foreclosure. Compare your situation to a person who’s mate/spouse blew all of the bill money on gambling and drinking and take it out on you by physically abusing you. Count your blessings it’s not you and keep it moving!
I think some people are so focused on the negative in certain situations that they never see that it could have been worst. I think if we started to train our minds to adopt the Could Have Been Worst Theory a lot of people would be better off and could recover quicker from a bad situation, especially when it comes to our relationships.
Besides what don’t kills us only makes us stronger so when you find yourself in a bad situation just remember “it could have been worst”.
I’m just saying.
C Double R
To buy C Double R’s highly anticipated novel REACTIONS go to
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please
contact her at
Friday, July 22, 2011
Confident or Thirsty?
Nothing is funnier than seeing a good looking man acting thirsty. What’s funnier is when he doesn’t even know that he is acting thirsty. It’s one thing to have confidence but when does confidence turns into thirstiness?
Women love a confident man, a man who knows how to approach a woman and who is tight with his game, but when he becomes overly aggressive things can go to the left, quickly. When he starts to oversell himself and repeatedly tells you all of the things he can do to you and how he’s going to do it and how you’re not going to get enough of him. Really? This is when he gets put in the thirsty category.
Men, no woman wants to hear what you can do for her, to her or with her, she just want you to be like Nike and Just Do It! When you continuously try to sell yourself to a woman it becomes a turn off real quick and no matter how attracted she is to you this will definitely turn her off. So fall back and let nature take its course. If a woman is feeling you, trust me, you will know because she will let you know by her actions. She will also let you know if she is not feeling you when she stop returning your calls and starts making excuses to not go out with you. If and when it comes to this point, this means she is not interested and if she was at one point, she is no longer interested and it is probably because of your thirstiness.
It’s good to be confident in yourself and your skills, just don’t become thirsty with your approach because trust me, a woman will definitely leave you high and dry and will not give you anything to quench your thirst.
I’m just saying.
C Double R!
To pick up C Double R’s latest highly anticipated erotic suspense novel REACTIONS go to
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please
Leave a comment at
Women love a confident man, a man who knows how to approach a woman and who is tight with his game, but when he becomes overly aggressive things can go to the left, quickly. When he starts to oversell himself and repeatedly tells you all of the things he can do to you and how he’s going to do it and how you’re not going to get enough of him. Really? This is when he gets put in the thirsty category.
Men, no woman wants to hear what you can do for her, to her or with her, she just want you to be like Nike and Just Do It! When you continuously try to sell yourself to a woman it becomes a turn off real quick and no matter how attracted she is to you this will definitely turn her off. So fall back and let nature take its course. If a woman is feeling you, trust me, you will know because she will let you know by her actions. She will also let you know if she is not feeling you when she stop returning your calls and starts making excuses to not go out with you. If and when it comes to this point, this means she is not interested and if she was at one point, she is no longer interested and it is probably because of your thirstiness.
It’s good to be confident in yourself and your skills, just don’t become thirsty with your approach because trust me, a woman will definitely leave you high and dry and will not give you anything to quench your thirst.
I’m just saying.
C Double R!
To pick up C Double R’s latest highly anticipated erotic suspense novel REACTIONS go to
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please
Leave a comment at
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
You Can't Force a Man to Change. PERIOD!
Today’s topic is all about change! Ladies, have you ever met that man and all you can say is “ Damn, he would be a good man only if..?” If he wasn’t such a womanizer, more caring, more giving, not so uptight, etc. One thing I’ve learned is that people will change because of one or two reasons; when there are ready to change or when they are forced to change. Example, if a man gets tired of sleeping with different women every night and having meaningless sex then he will eventually change his habits. If a man loses something that he really, truly cares about but doesn’t realizes it until after the fact, then he is forced to change, that’s if he doesn’t want the same results. Because only a fool continues to do the same thing and expect a different result!
Sometimes we have to let people learn and grow on their own and from their own mistakes and stop trying to force people to change. The bottom line is; if they don’t change for themselves then it’s just a temporary fix to a lifetime problem. Now, if a man truly wants to change then he will change when he is ready to change, not because someone else wants him to change.
Unfortunately, most people, especially men, don’t change until something detrimental in their life happens that forces them to change. If you have a man who is constantly throwing shade to those who he thinks is not on his level because they don’t roll like he roll, with the fancy car, big house, flashy clothes and the women, when he loses his job or doe and can no longer afford those fancy cars, clothes and women, he will think twice before he throw shade again. This kind of thing can change a man’s perception on life. Or, if you have a man who takes his wife for granted until she finally leaves him, that will make him think twice about what’s important to him and what is a priority to him in life.
Bottom line is, you can’t make or force a person to change. A person has to change on their own and at their own pace. So you should either accept or reject that person as is, if you don’t have the patience to wait for them to change on their own. One thing for sure, two things for certain, if he really cares about you he will change own his own to keep you or he will be forced to change after you leave his ass because you had enough of his crap!!
I'm just saying.
C Double R
Sometimes we have to let people learn and grow on their own and from their own mistakes and stop trying to force people to change. The bottom line is; if they don’t change for themselves then it’s just a temporary fix to a lifetime problem. Now, if a man truly wants to change then he will change when he is ready to change, not because someone else wants him to change.
Unfortunately, most people, especially men, don’t change until something detrimental in their life happens that forces them to change. If you have a man who is constantly throwing shade to those who he thinks is not on his level because they don’t roll like he roll, with the fancy car, big house, flashy clothes and the women, when he loses his job or doe and can no longer afford those fancy cars, clothes and women, he will think twice before he throw shade again. This kind of thing can change a man’s perception on life. Or, if you have a man who takes his wife for granted until she finally leaves him, that will make him think twice about what’s important to him and what is a priority to him in life.
Bottom line is, you can’t make or force a person to change. A person has to change on their own and at their own pace. So you should either accept or reject that person as is, if you don’t have the patience to wait for them to change on their own. One thing for sure, two things for certain, if he really cares about you he will change own his own to keep you or he will be forced to change after you leave his ass because you had enough of his crap!!
I'm just saying.
C Double R
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Is Your Friendship Value a Bentley or a Kia?
I was on Facebook and one of my friends had this posting on her page “Have you ever noticed that Rolls Royce and Bentley don't have commercials? REASON: They know the value of their product brings customers to them. LESSON: When you know your value, you don't have to beg people to like you, to be your mate, to spend time with you or to love you. Be confident in who GOD made you to be. Everyone can't afford the LUXURY of your friendship.” This resonated with me so much I had to write an article about it, so big ups to Roxy Tee for the post.
This is such a true statement. When you are a good hearted person people will automatically gravity to you, you don’t have to advertise and solicit your friendship. I truly believe you get back what you put out in this world. A lot of people love Bentleys but very few will ever own one because most can’t afford it, just like your friendship, many may want it but is everyone worthy of it and can they afford it? In essence, watch the company you keep and the people you allow into your space, even the ones who are perceived as being able to afford it because they may abuse it.
It is up to you to discover, embrace and protect your self-worth. Many may want to be your friend, mate or confidant, but are they worthy of your crème de la crème friendship? This is a question that only you can answer. Just remember, when a new car is driven off the lot, even a Bentley, it starts to depreciate. It’s up to you to determine who the owner will be. Will it be someone that appreciates you, detail you and keep you garage parked or will it be someone who will neglect you, be careless and crash you or even lose you because they couldn’t afford you from the beginning.
If you know your friendship is the crème de la crème, just like a Bentley, then be selective about who you let sit in the driver’s seat. If you don’t know and don’t appreciate your self- worth then you open yourself up to the general public and anyone can set in the driver’s seat.
Always remember your self-worth even when others seem to forget or even ignorant to it!
I’m just saying.
C Double R!
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments, topic suggestions
or purchase her new book REACTIONS please visit her at
This is such a true statement. When you are a good hearted person people will automatically gravity to you, you don’t have to advertise and solicit your friendship. I truly believe you get back what you put out in this world. A lot of people love Bentleys but very few will ever own one because most can’t afford it, just like your friendship, many may want it but is everyone worthy of it and can they afford it? In essence, watch the company you keep and the people you allow into your space, even the ones who are perceived as being able to afford it because they may abuse it.
It is up to you to discover, embrace and protect your self-worth. Many may want to be your friend, mate or confidant, but are they worthy of your crème de la crème friendship? This is a question that only you can answer. Just remember, when a new car is driven off the lot, even a Bentley, it starts to depreciate. It’s up to you to determine who the owner will be. Will it be someone that appreciates you, detail you and keep you garage parked or will it be someone who will neglect you, be careless and crash you or even lose you because they couldn’t afford you from the beginning.
If you know your friendship is the crème de la crème, just like a Bentley, then be selective about who you let sit in the driver’s seat. If you don’t know and don’t appreciate your self- worth then you open yourself up to the general public and anyone can set in the driver’s seat.
Always remember your self-worth even when others seem to forget or even ignorant to it!
I’m just saying.
C Double R!
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments, topic suggestions
or purchase her new book REACTIONS please visit her at
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Celibacy – Can It Hurt or Help a New Relationship?
I had a very interesting conversation with a male friend. I asked him what does he think when he meets a woman who tells him that she is celibate? His first response was that no man wants to date a woman who is celibate, especially an older man (30 something plus). So naturally I asked him why? He compared the scenario to the NBA. He said if his goal is to get to the championship by practicing but if the coach tells him from the gate that the team is not going to the championship then why the purpose of practicing? I actually understand and respected this argument, but does it make it right?
I personally think if a man meets a woman who is celibate then he should respect her even more because obviously she respects her body even to not give it away to every Tom, Dick and Harry. However, according to my friend a man sees this as too much work and most men will just walk away from the challenge, especially when it is readily available from someone else.
So can celibacy hurt or help a new relationship? I guess it all depends on who you ask. Some men are willing to put in the work if they really feel like the woman is worth the wait, while other men may see it as too much of a challenge and walk away as soon as the woman let it been known that she is celibate. Ladies, if a man does this then to me it seems like he was only in it for the sex anyway and he did you a favor by walking away.
Ladies, always stay true to yourself and your goals. Some women have more respect for their homes, cars and worldly possessions than they do for their own bodies, especially when it comes to sex. Ladies, realize that your body is a temple and every man that you met is not worth of your goods. Get to know a man before you sleep with a man. Find out his intentions before your give him your full body attention. Because what you may think is a prince in shining armor could be a lion in sheep’s clothing waiting to take your goods and run.
I’m just saying.
C Double R!
To pick up her new highly anticipated new book REACTIONS please go to
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please
contact her at
I personally think if a man meets a woman who is celibate then he should respect her even more because obviously she respects her body even to not give it away to every Tom, Dick and Harry. However, according to my friend a man sees this as too much work and most men will just walk away from the challenge, especially when it is readily available from someone else.
So can celibacy hurt or help a new relationship? I guess it all depends on who you ask. Some men are willing to put in the work if they really feel like the woman is worth the wait, while other men may see it as too much of a challenge and walk away as soon as the woman let it been known that she is celibate. Ladies, if a man does this then to me it seems like he was only in it for the sex anyway and he did you a favor by walking away.
Ladies, always stay true to yourself and your goals. Some women have more respect for their homes, cars and worldly possessions than they do for their own bodies, especially when it comes to sex. Ladies, realize that your body is a temple and every man that you met is not worth of your goods. Get to know a man before you sleep with a man. Find out his intentions before your give him your full body attention. Because what you may think is a prince in shining armor could be a lion in sheep’s clothing waiting to take your goods and run.
I’m just saying.
C Double R!
To pick up her new highly anticipated new book REACTIONS please go to
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please
contact her at
Monday, June 20, 2011
Do You Want a Glamorous Ceremony or a Lasting Marriage?
This is a great question to ask yourself if you’re getting ready to head down the aisle. Sometimes as women we get so caught up in the ceremony we really don’t think about the marriage. Most women have been envisioning their wedding day ever since they were little girls. They fantasize about the dress, flowers, cake, venue and oh yeah maybe the actual marriage.
It is very easy to get caught up in the planning of your fairy tale wedding, but it would be very wise to ask yourself do you want a ceremony or a husband for life? If you hesitate to answer this question then maybe you should pump the brakes on the fairytale wedding planning before you end up in a disastrous marriage. Unfortunately, there are a lot of brides to be out there who already know their future marriage isn’t going to last but they go through with the marriage plans any way, not for the husband, but for the glitz and glamour of the ceremony.
Also, for the men don’t feel pressured into getting married, just because you think it is the right thing to do or because it is expected. It could be the worst thing to do, especially if you are not ready to get married. Don’t become a victim of the ceremony planning.
Both future grooms and brides should ask themselves is the six hours of glitz and glamour worth a lifetime of misery?
I’m just saying.
If you want to meet someone who appreciates all of you and you’re in the Philadelphia please go to:
C Double R!
To read more articles by C Double R! please visit Also make sure you pick up her new erotic suspense novel REACTIONS available in July!
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please
contact her at
It is very easy to get caught up in the planning of your fairy tale wedding, but it would be very wise to ask yourself do you want a ceremony or a husband for life? If you hesitate to answer this question then maybe you should pump the brakes on the fairytale wedding planning before you end up in a disastrous marriage. Unfortunately, there are a lot of brides to be out there who already know their future marriage isn’t going to last but they go through with the marriage plans any way, not for the husband, but for the glitz and glamour of the ceremony.
Also, for the men don’t feel pressured into getting married, just because you think it is the right thing to do or because it is expected. It could be the worst thing to do, especially if you are not ready to get married. Don’t become a victim of the ceremony planning.
Both future grooms and brides should ask themselves is the six hours of glitz and glamour worth a lifetime of misery?
I’m just saying.
If you want to meet someone who appreciates all of you and you’re in the Philadelphia please go to:
C Double R!
To read more articles by C Double R! please visit Also make sure you pick up her new erotic suspense novel REACTIONS available in July!
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please
contact her at
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Act Like A Lady But Be A Freak in the Bedroom!
We all heard of the saying you can’t make a freak into a wife, but you can definitely make a wife into a freak. Let’s keep it real people, men love an uninhibited woman in the bedroom. Most women don’t realize their sexuality until their mid to late thirties or early forties, in some cases, never!
The sex novelist Zane said she realized she was a sexual person at a very early age in life, that’s very rare, especially for a woman. She said she embraced her sexuality very young and always enjoyed sex. Growing up most women are told to act like a lady, ladies don’t do that, let him take control when it comes to sex. So when a woman wants to get “buckwild” in the bedroom most of the time she doesn’t because she is constantly thinking about all of the things that she was told as a young woman.
I believe the older a woman becomes the more in tune she is with her body and because of that she is more uninhibited in the bedroom when it comes to sex. She knows how to please her man and is not afraid of showing it.
A mature woman knows and accepts that she has sexual desires, just like a man and it isn’t unlady like to express those desires when it comes to your man, it may even help you keep your man! A man loves a woman who embraces her sexuality and doesn’t hold back in the bedroom. Men love when their women take control in the bedroom and ladies if you only knew the power you had in the bedroom, you would embrace your sexuality with the quickness!
So ladies, I demand you to embrace your sexuality and show your man what you’re working with. Live out your fantasies, you’re wildest dreams and turn your man out!! Because if you don’t step up your game in the bedroom he might find another player to substitute you!
I’m just saying!
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, comments or topic suggestions please contact her at .
The sex novelist Zane said she realized she was a sexual person at a very early age in life, that’s very rare, especially for a woman. She said she embraced her sexuality very young and always enjoyed sex. Growing up most women are told to act like a lady, ladies don’t do that, let him take control when it comes to sex. So when a woman wants to get “buckwild” in the bedroom most of the time she doesn’t because she is constantly thinking about all of the things that she was told as a young woman.
I believe the older a woman becomes the more in tune she is with her body and because of that she is more uninhibited in the bedroom when it comes to sex. She knows how to please her man and is not afraid of showing it.
A mature woman knows and accepts that she has sexual desires, just like a man and it isn’t unlady like to express those desires when it comes to your man, it may even help you keep your man! A man loves a woman who embraces her sexuality and doesn’t hold back in the bedroom. Men love when their women take control in the bedroom and ladies if you only knew the power you had in the bedroom, you would embrace your sexuality with the quickness!
So ladies, I demand you to embrace your sexuality and show your man what you’re working with. Live out your fantasies, you’re wildest dreams and turn your man out!! Because if you don’t step up your game in the bedroom he might find another player to substitute you!
I’m just saying!
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, comments or topic suggestions please contact her at .
Monday, May 23, 2011
Keeping The Sexy At Home
I had a very interesting conversation this weekend with a young man from Nigeria, Africa. He seemed like a very intelligent, nice young man, so me, always being the matchmaker told him he would be perfect for my niece once he found out I was almost old enough to be his mother. He started telling me about the traditions of his country. He said the divorce rate is very low in Nigeria. It is 20% as opposed to 50% like in the United States. He also said that most men wait until marriage to start a family, it is very rare to see a single parent mother, and if so, in most cases it is because she’s a widow. But what really struck my interest is when he made the statement that most women in Nigeria overlook the bad and focus on the good when it comes to their husband. I interpreted that as most women turn the other cheek when it comes to infidelity in their marriage. My new friend said divorce is only an option when all other possibilities have been exhausted, however, even if they are exhausted most Nigerians stay married.
When I asked him about cheating he brought up a very interesting point. He said if he happened to see a woman in the street with a sexy outfit on he wouldn’t try to sleep with her but instead he would try to find that outfit for his wife so she could look sexy in it and sleep with her. He stated why would I look outside my house to find something that I already have at home? I must say I was really impressed with this young man’s logic. I thought to myself if most men took that approach when it came to marriage and cheating there probably would be a drastic decline in the divorce rate in the world, not just in the United States.
Men please take notes from this young man, try keeping the sexy at home. Instead of looking for something that you already have at home why not try keeping the sexy in your home and between you and your wife! Try it you might like it!
I’m just saying!
C Double R!
When I asked him about cheating he brought up a very interesting point. He said if he happened to see a woman in the street with a sexy outfit on he wouldn’t try to sleep with her but instead he would try to find that outfit for his wife so she could look sexy in it and sleep with her. He stated why would I look outside my house to find something that I already have at home? I must say I was really impressed with this young man’s logic. I thought to myself if most men took that approach when it came to marriage and cheating there probably would be a drastic decline in the divorce rate in the world, not just in the United States.
Men please take notes from this young man, try keeping the sexy at home. Instead of looking for something that you already have at home why not try keeping the sexy in your home and between you and your wife! Try it you might like it!
I’m just saying!
C Double R!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Loved Up! But Not Wifed up!
Ladies have you ever fell into the “wait until” trap with your man? Wait until I finish school, wait until we buy the house, wait until I get the promotion, wait until I get my divorce? Yes, women will actually stay with a man for years even though she knows he is still married in the hopes that one day he will get a divorce and marry her. Why do so many women fall for the “wait until” game?
The kicker is when the man says “I’m not going nowhere and neither are you so what’s the rush?” WTF!! Are you serious? That’s even more of a reason for him to put a ring on it! A woman will stay with a man for years, have babies for him, buy a house with him and he will never marry her you know why? Because she has already given him everything that a married coupled give each other which mean he doesn’t have any motivation to marry her. I’m just saying!!
Ladies stop playing house and stop putting the cart in front of the horse, make him work for your love. Put your foot down and if that means that you have to remove yourself from the situation to make him realize how lucky HE is to have you as his woman then do it! This is easier said than done, but in the end it is all worth it because at the end of the day you will know if the whole relationship is really worth your time and energy and if that man really loves you like he says he does.
If you are good enough to “portray” the image of the wife by living together, having kids together supporting him emotionally, spiritually and even financially then you should be good enough for him to put a ring on it and make it official and be called the Mrs. and not my lady, girl, love of my life, girlfriend or fiancée!
There is a huge difference between being the Mrs. and the girlfriend/fiancée. When a man introduces his woman as his wife there is an instant respect factor from other women as oppose to him introducing her as his lady or fiancée. Here’s some real talk, if you have a good man and other women know it and if you are not his wife then they see him as “still available”. If you don’t appreciate your worth and don’t make him wife you up then another “smart” woman will because she knows her worth just like she knows his.
I’m just saying!
C Double R!
The kicker is when the man says “I’m not going nowhere and neither are you so what’s the rush?” WTF!! Are you serious? That’s even more of a reason for him to put a ring on it! A woman will stay with a man for years, have babies for him, buy a house with him and he will never marry her you know why? Because she has already given him everything that a married coupled give each other which mean he doesn’t have any motivation to marry her. I’m just saying!!
Ladies stop playing house and stop putting the cart in front of the horse, make him work for your love. Put your foot down and if that means that you have to remove yourself from the situation to make him realize how lucky HE is to have you as his woman then do it! This is easier said than done, but in the end it is all worth it because at the end of the day you will know if the whole relationship is really worth your time and energy and if that man really loves you like he says he does.
If you are good enough to “portray” the image of the wife by living together, having kids together supporting him emotionally, spiritually and even financially then you should be good enough for him to put a ring on it and make it official and be called the Mrs. and not my lady, girl, love of my life, girlfriend or fiancée!
There is a huge difference between being the Mrs. and the girlfriend/fiancée. When a man introduces his woman as his wife there is an instant respect factor from other women as oppose to him introducing her as his lady or fiancée. Here’s some real talk, if you have a good man and other women know it and if you are not his wife then they see him as “still available”. If you don’t appreciate your worth and don’t make him wife you up then another “smart” woman will because she knows her worth just like she knows his.
I’m just saying!
C Double R!
Friday, May 13, 2011
Just Because I’m Sexy Doesn’t Mean You Can Sex Me!!
Just because I wear tight jeans that accentuate the roundness of my bottom, or a dress that compliment my curvy hips and thick thighs doesn’t mean I’m ready to jump in your bed. Just because I’m sexy doesn’t mean you can sex me!
I had a good friend of mine ask me to write about this topic. She wanted me to clear up the misconception of a sexy woman. Some men think just because a woman is sexy she is easy to sex. Now let’s examine the word sexy, shall we. There is a difference from being sexy and being trashy. A woman can be sexy in a pair of jeans and a tee shirt. The jeans may be sexy because they hug her in all the right spots and the fitted tee shirt because it highlights her assets. She is being sexy without even trying and without exposing her skin. Trashy is when a woman is drawing attention to herself for all of the wrong reasons because she have damn near all of her orifices hanging out for the whole world to see. Ladies this is not sexy this is trashy.
As my homegirl Ms. Nikki said just because I am sexy doesn’t mean I want to have sex with you. I’m sexy and classy not sexy and trashy. I’m sexy dressed up or down. I own sexy where others have to lease it with an option to buy.
So guys learn to differentiate sexy classy from sexy trashy and once you recognize the difference make sure your game is tight if you want to be with Ms. Right. If your game is weak then you may end up with the freak of the week!
I’m just saying
C Double R!
I had a good friend of mine ask me to write about this topic. She wanted me to clear up the misconception of a sexy woman. Some men think just because a woman is sexy she is easy to sex. Now let’s examine the word sexy, shall we. There is a difference from being sexy and being trashy. A woman can be sexy in a pair of jeans and a tee shirt. The jeans may be sexy because they hug her in all the right spots and the fitted tee shirt because it highlights her assets. She is being sexy without even trying and without exposing her skin. Trashy is when a woman is drawing attention to herself for all of the wrong reasons because she have damn near all of her orifices hanging out for the whole world to see. Ladies this is not sexy this is trashy.
As my homegirl Ms. Nikki said just because I am sexy doesn’t mean I want to have sex with you. I’m sexy and classy not sexy and trashy. I’m sexy dressed up or down. I own sexy where others have to lease it with an option to buy.
So guys learn to differentiate sexy classy from sexy trashy and once you recognize the difference make sure your game is tight if you want to be with Ms. Right. If your game is weak then you may end up with the freak of the week!
I’m just saying
C Double R!
Monday, May 2, 2011
Learn The Value of Keeping Your Stuff to Yourself!
Ladies this is a very important topic. I know how it is when you first meet a guy who you think is fione as all get out and you get butterflies in your stomach when you see his name come up on your caller id or when you see his car pull up in front of your house. The first thing you say to yourself is “he can get it!” Well ladies I am here to tell you, pump the brakes!
I have learned through experience and from conversations with other women when you learn the value of keeping your stuff to yourself it’s priceless. A man will do all he can to get you in the bed if he is really feeling you physically. He will wine and dine you, take you shopping, fix things around your house, take you on trips, basically anything when he is in pursuit of the booty.
A smart woman knows the power of the “Untapped Wanted Booty” and she will use it to her advantage. Now this is not to say she is not feeling the dude but she knows the value of her body and she will not just give it to the first dude that is interested and is willing to do anything to get it. However, this doesn’t mean she won’t use it to her advantage either. However, in the interim a smart woman will also find out if dude is just interested in her booty or her being. An intelligent woman knows what the deal is. However, a smart and conniving woman will play this game for as long as she can or until dude realizes that he is just being played. So fellas just some words of advice “Game recognizes game” so make sure yours is tight.
I’m just saying.
C Double R!
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please contact her at
I have learned through experience and from conversations with other women when you learn the value of keeping your stuff to yourself it’s priceless. A man will do all he can to get you in the bed if he is really feeling you physically. He will wine and dine you, take you shopping, fix things around your house, take you on trips, basically anything when he is in pursuit of the booty.
A smart woman knows the power of the “Untapped Wanted Booty” and she will use it to her advantage. Now this is not to say she is not feeling the dude but she knows the value of her body and she will not just give it to the first dude that is interested and is willing to do anything to get it. However, this doesn’t mean she won’t use it to her advantage either. However, in the interim a smart woman will also find out if dude is just interested in her booty or her being. An intelligent woman knows what the deal is. However, a smart and conniving woman will play this game for as long as she can or until dude realizes that he is just being played. So fellas just some words of advice “Game recognizes game” so make sure yours is tight.
I’m just saying.
C Double R!
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please contact her at
Sunday, May 1, 2011
By Request Another Shameka Nicole Williams Excerpt From The Forthcoming Novel "Reactions"- Coming Summer 2011
Shameka Nicole Williams
Shameka was feeling great. Tonight was just what she needed, she had been stressed out due to lack of sleep, every time she closed her eyes she kept having that same nightmarish dream that she just couldn’t shake. She seriously was thinking about seeing someone who could help her decipher these dreams and help her sleep better at night.After reapplying her lip gloss and checking her hair in the mirror Shameka was ready to get back to Ricardo and that delicious bread pudding that kept calling her name. Shameka was so focused on getting back to Ricardo and the dessert she didn’t realized where she was walking and bumped directly into a man coming out of the men’s room.
“Oh, I’m so sorry. I wasn’t watching where I was going.” she said as she tried not to act embarrassed, even though she was very embarrassed for being so careless.
“No problem, it happens” the man said as he fixed his tie.
As he caught Shameka’s eye he realized that he knew her from somewhere, but couldn’t remember where.
“I know this sounds like a line, but don’t I know you from somewhere?” the man said as he tried to remember where he knew Shameka from.
“I’m sorry I don’t think so” Shameka said as she tried to remember whether or not she actually knew this man from somewhere, but couldn’t come up with anything.
The man’s eyes lit up when he finally remembered where he knew Shameka from.
“Now I remember! You are the one who blew me off in the restaurant bathroom in New York when I was there with my pregnant wife and kids” the man said with a dirty smile on his face as if he was replaying the whole episode in his mind
“Say uh, what are you doing later tonight? I’m in town for a couple of days and we could always pick up where we left off” the man said as Shameka could see his dick hardening as he tried to hand her his business card.
“Listen here, you little fuck. I don’t know who you think I am but you definitely got the wrong one, so I suggest you back off and get the fuck out of my way” Shameka said as she smacked the card away and started to walk back to her table.
“Oh no, there is no mistake. It was definitely you.”
That stopped Shameka in her tracks.
“Who could forget those sexy ass lips, especially when they were wrapped around my cock? And that ass, unforgettable! But hey, we all have our secrets, don’t we?” the man said as he brushed pass Shameka while grazing her ass in the process.
Shameka just stood there in disbelief. She knew the day would come when her dirty deeds would catch up to her. She did remember him, she remembered all of him.
If Titles Were Meant To Be Then They Will Happen Naturally
This is just some quick advice for those people who must have titles when they are dating someone. If you meet someone and you two are vibing and things are going well don’t stress about titles. As soon as the “title” conversation happens it could change the dynamics of the situation. My advice is just go with the flow because if titles were meant to be then they will happen naturally. If and when you are in tune with someone you will know when you two are in a “relationship” without having to bring up the “title” conversation.
This conversation can make some people uncomfortable especially when they are not ready to have this conversation. If this is the case it may actually push that person away from you and mess up the whole flow of the relationship. So again, just fall back, relax and live in the moment, if it was meant to be then it will be. Enjoy the time that you spend with this person and don’t rush the “title” conversation because it may cause you to mess up a good thing that could have been a great thing!
I’m just saying
C Double R!
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please
contact her at
This conversation can make some people uncomfortable especially when they are not ready to have this conversation. If this is the case it may actually push that person away from you and mess up the whole flow of the relationship. So again, just fall back, relax and live in the moment, if it was meant to be then it will be. Enjoy the time that you spend with this person and don’t rush the “title” conversation because it may cause you to mess up a good thing that could have been a great thing!
I’m just saying
C Double R!
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please
contact her at
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Being Big Doesn’t Guarantee the Gig!
I was on Facebook the other day and one of my friends had a conversation about the power of sex. Basically he stated just because you know how to please your man in bed doesn’t mean he won’t leave you or cheat on you. Boy, did this start a conversation. So of course the ladies responded by saying just because you’re well-endowed and can lay pipe in the bedroom doesn’t mean that a woman won’t leave or cheat on you either???
Look, maybe back in the day if a woman got sprung out on good sex that was a license for the man to do as he pleases because he knew she wasn’t going anywhere. Now fast forward 20 years later, most women don’t tolerate that istuff some even flip the script on men these days. If she has a man that can lay good pipe, but that’s ALL he can do, trust, she will have others to make up for his deficiencies. She will have one that can wine and dine her, one that will take her on vacations, one that will fix things around the house, and one that can offer to pay her bills. Notice how I said “offer” to pay her bills. Most sistas today can pay their own bills and are quite self sufficient, therefore, she doesn’t need a man to pay her bills, but will take donations, feel me?
Nowadays women categorize their men like they categorize their shoes. If she feels like being wine and dined then she will call her Manolo Man. If she needs to have something fixed around the house she will call her Timberland Man. If she feels like getting freaky she will call her Come Get Me Pumps Man. Women are quick to categorize a man just like men categorize women. So men, don’t think that just because you are laying good pipe that your woman won’t step out on you or close the door completely, WAKE THE FREAK UP!!
Forget the 90’s woman and start thinking about the new millennium woman!! Yes, we are no longer staying on the porch, we are stomping with the big dogs! We are doing it for ourselves and doing it big by ourselves! So don’t let the big dick fool you, because if that is the only thing you are offering best believe she has you categorized as the Come Get Me Pumps Man and will only call on you when she is ready to get freaky, but your ass will stay in that size 9 shoebox until then!
I’m just saying…
C Double R!
Look, maybe back in the day if a woman got sprung out on good sex that was a license for the man to do as he pleases because he knew she wasn’t going anywhere. Now fast forward 20 years later, most women don’t tolerate that istuff some even flip the script on men these days. If she has a man that can lay good pipe, but that’s ALL he can do, trust, she will have others to make up for his deficiencies. She will have one that can wine and dine her, one that will take her on vacations, one that will fix things around the house, and one that can offer to pay her bills. Notice how I said “offer” to pay her bills. Most sistas today can pay their own bills and are quite self sufficient, therefore, she doesn’t need a man to pay her bills, but will take donations, feel me?
Nowadays women categorize their men like they categorize their shoes. If she feels like being wine and dined then she will call her Manolo Man. If she needs to have something fixed around the house she will call her Timberland Man. If she feels like getting freaky she will call her Come Get Me Pumps Man. Women are quick to categorize a man just like men categorize women. So men, don’t think that just because you are laying good pipe that your woman won’t step out on you or close the door completely, WAKE THE FREAK UP!!
Forget the 90’s woman and start thinking about the new millennium woman!! Yes, we are no longer staying on the porch, we are stomping with the big dogs! We are doing it for ourselves and doing it big by ourselves! So don’t let the big dick fool you, because if that is the only thing you are offering best believe she has you categorized as the Come Get Me Pumps Man and will only call on you when she is ready to get freaky, but your ass will stay in that size 9 shoebox until then!
I’m just saying…
C Double R!
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Here's Another Excerpt From My Book Reactions- Coming This Summer!!
Christopher Jamal Johnson
“Hey babe, want some company” Tina asked as she walked out to the patio.
“Mmm, only if you promise to get in booty butt naked” Chris said with a sexy smile.
“I think I can make that promise happen daddy” Tina said as she started removing her clothes, first her sundress, sandals, then bra and finally her panties.
Chris had to admit he had a sexy ass wife. After sixteen years together, thirteen years of marriage and two kids later Chris was more attracted to his wife now than he was sixteen years ago. She had a body of a real woman. Curves in all the right places, perky breast, round ass, a flat stomach, big hips and a face of an angel and she was all his and always have been, he was just too damn selfish to appreciate it.
“Damn baby, you are absolutely gorgeous. I love you. I really, really love you” Chris said as he broke down and started to cry out of nowhere. It was partly due to guilt and partly due to thankfulness. Guilt for being such a dumb ass for risking his family life over the years just for a piece of ass, thankfulness for being blessed with a loving, beautiful wife who had the patience to love him regardless of his flaws and mistakes.
“Aww babe, it’s alright. I love you too” Tina said as she stepped into the pool and swam over to Chris and hugged and kissed him.
“I just want to thank you for putting up with me and my bullshit over the years. But if you don’t know anything else, please know this; nothing in this world is more important to me than you, Chris Jr., and Brianna. You all are my life. I will die and kill for all of you. You are the best thing that ever happened to me in this fucked up world and from this moment on, I promise you, you have my word, I won’t do anything to fucked that up ever again” Chris said as he kissed his wife and held her as close as he possibly could as if he would never hold her again.
Chris held his wife tightly for over an hour until they went into the house where they made passionate love for hours. This was a day Chris wished he could live every single day of his life. He just had to find a way to stop Keisha from ruining his home that took him months to get back on the right track.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Should What Happens on Vacation Stay on Vacation?
When you take a vacation with your boys or girls the ultimate goal is to have fun, right? But what if you’re married or have a mate at home when is fun too much fun? When we take a vacation with our buddies we tend to acquire the attitude of what happens on vacation stays on vacation. Some have the tendency to get a little crazy and have the mindset of “these people don’t know me” to justify their crazy, sometimes, unethical behavior.
So the question remains should what happens on vacation stay on vacation? In my opinion it all depends. If you are single and you don’t have a significant other at home then what you do on vacation shouldn’t necessary have to stay on vacation. If you meet someone and you have a connection with that person then it’s not a problem if you all exchange numbers to try to get to know one another better. However, if you’re on vacation and you are married or have a significant other at home there is a line that should be drawn when you’re on a getaway with your girls or boys.
It’s cool to hang out with someone you meet on vacation such as having drinks, dinner and dancing, but what happens on vacation should stay on vacation, point blank period! At the end of the trip there should not be any numbers exchanged, no Facebook, Tweet requests or anything that will keep the lines of communication open with that person. The reason being is if you keep the lines of communication open with this person you are opening the door to potential possibilities that could have serious repercussions. So ask yourself are you willing to take that risk on someone that you just met and happened to spend a couple of fun days with?
It’s all in fun when you are just having fun in the moment when you are married or have a significant other at home, but it turns into something more risqué when you continue to keep the lines of communication open with someone you met on vacation, especially if you had a connection with this person.
So keep it simple. Have fun, enjoy yourself, hell reinvent yourself if you like, but at the end of the day just remember what’s important at home.
I’m just saying.
C Double R!
So the question remains should what happens on vacation stay on vacation? In my opinion it all depends. If you are single and you don’t have a significant other at home then what you do on vacation shouldn’t necessary have to stay on vacation. If you meet someone and you have a connection with that person then it’s not a problem if you all exchange numbers to try to get to know one another better. However, if you’re on vacation and you are married or have a significant other at home there is a line that should be drawn when you’re on a getaway with your girls or boys.
It’s cool to hang out with someone you meet on vacation such as having drinks, dinner and dancing, but what happens on vacation should stay on vacation, point blank period! At the end of the trip there should not be any numbers exchanged, no Facebook, Tweet requests or anything that will keep the lines of communication open with that person. The reason being is if you keep the lines of communication open with this person you are opening the door to potential possibilities that could have serious repercussions. So ask yourself are you willing to take that risk on someone that you just met and happened to spend a couple of fun days with?
It’s all in fun when you are just having fun in the moment when you are married or have a significant other at home, but it turns into something more risqué when you continue to keep the lines of communication open with someone you met on vacation, especially if you had a connection with this person.
So keep it simple. Have fun, enjoy yourself, hell reinvent yourself if you like, but at the end of the day just remember what’s important at home.
I’m just saying.
C Double R!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Work Spouse or Code for Secret Lover?
This is a phrase that is overused in today’s workplace. When some opposite sex employees work closely together they have the tendency to call each other “work spouse”. Mmm, what exactly does that mean? Does the work wife pack the work husband’s lunch, give him massages when he’s tensed, or is this a woman that he disagrees with so much it feels like he’s working with his wife?
I think people should really examine this phrase before they use it. Now let’s flip the script. What if your spouse came home and said, “Babe, let me tell you what my work spouse did today that pissed me off.” How would you feel about this statement?
Wife and husband are two words that should not be used lightly, so why are people so carefree to describe their coworkers with these words? Are these words used in a jokingly way or a subliminal way? So the next time you chose to call your opposite sex co-worker your “work” spouse really think about how that makes your real spouse feel. Or is it another reason why you refer to this person as your “work spouse”?
I know in majority of cases it is a term used in a jokingly way, but it may not be so jokingly to your co-worker’s real spouse, just something to think about before you start using this term so loosely.
I’m just saying.
C Double R!
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please
contact her at
I think people should really examine this phrase before they use it. Now let’s flip the script. What if your spouse came home and said, “Babe, let me tell you what my work spouse did today that pissed me off.” How would you feel about this statement?
Wife and husband are two words that should not be used lightly, so why are people so carefree to describe their coworkers with these words? Are these words used in a jokingly way or a subliminal way? So the next time you chose to call your opposite sex co-worker your “work” spouse really think about how that makes your real spouse feel. Or is it another reason why you refer to this person as your “work spouse”?
I know in majority of cases it is a term used in a jokingly way, but it may not be so jokingly to your co-worker’s real spouse, just something to think about before you start using this term so loosely.
I’m just saying.
C Double R!
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please
contact her at
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Is Your Fantasy Your Reality?
I had a reader ask me this very question. He said he overheard his wife and her girlfriend discussing their fantasies and some of them were to have sex with a strange man. He wanted to know are they just fantasies or is this something that women eventually act out? Well, that depends on the woman.
Most women fantasize, but most women don’t act out their fantasies. A lot of women live vicariously through other people or things to fulfill their fantasies. They could live them out by watching porn, through their girlfriend’s sexual escapades, erotic books or by being a voyeur.
Believe it or not, your wife’s fantasies could add a little spice to your sex life. She could act out her fantasies by role playing with you. You could be that tall dark stranger that she fantasizes about and have the best sex ever.
So men don’t hate, participate, help your wife act out her fantasies to ensure that she doesn’t try to act them out with someone else. The mind is a power thing and just because we think about something doesn’t necessarily mean that we will act it out. Sometimes it’s refreshing to live vicariously through our fantasies, we all do it and we all have them.
However, if your mate is not sexually satisfied and continuously have an insatiable desire for sex, this can increase the probability of her acting out her fantasies with a stranger. Communication is key. Talk to your mate about her fantasies, ask her why they turn her on and try to help her live them out, with you. You may discover something about your mate you didn’t know before and like it! Better yet, you may discover something about yourself and love it!
I’m just saying.
C Double R!
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please
contact her at
Most women fantasize, but most women don’t act out their fantasies. A lot of women live vicariously through other people or things to fulfill their fantasies. They could live them out by watching porn, through their girlfriend’s sexual escapades, erotic books or by being a voyeur.
Believe it or not, your wife’s fantasies could add a little spice to your sex life. She could act out her fantasies by role playing with you. You could be that tall dark stranger that she fantasizes about and have the best sex ever.
So men don’t hate, participate, help your wife act out her fantasies to ensure that she doesn’t try to act them out with someone else. The mind is a power thing and just because we think about something doesn’t necessarily mean that we will act it out. Sometimes it’s refreshing to live vicariously through our fantasies, we all do it and we all have them.
However, if your mate is not sexually satisfied and continuously have an insatiable desire for sex, this can increase the probability of her acting out her fantasies with a stranger. Communication is key. Talk to your mate about her fantasies, ask her why they turn her on and try to help her live them out, with you. You may discover something about your mate you didn’t know before and like it! Better yet, you may discover something about yourself and love it!
I’m just saying.
C Double R!
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please
contact her at
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Be a Woman and Man Up!
Why is it that we can be strong and have a “no-nonsense” attitude when it comes to our children, job and family, but when it comes to our man some of us are deficient? Yes, ladies it is time to discuss this topic. It’s time for REAL TALK when it comes to our men.
We can run a business, a household, and be Suzy Homemaker, but when it comes to our man we don’t demand the respect that we deserve. As the old saying goes “A closed mouth doesn’t get feed”. And once you open your mouth make sure you say what you mean and mean what you say because actions speak louder than words. I have come to learn that a man will only do what you allow him to do. If you are all bark and no bite then your man will continue to act like a dog.
If you catch your man cheating or have evidence that he is cheating and you address it and he continues to do it, then the foolishness is on you. If you address it and warns him if it happens again you’re out and it happens again and you are still sharing the same bed then the foolishness is really on you! Because at that point you have given him carte blanche to do whatever with whomever because now he knows there are no consequences to suffer.
Ladies that’s why it is imperative to say what you mean and mean what you say! If you tell your man that you will leave his ass if he acts up and he acts up anyway then do it! If you tell your man that he has one more chance and that’s it and he messes up again, make it the last time and bounce! Yes, I said “again”, no one is perfect and even the best of the best mess up from time to time, but if it is something or someone worth having then, trust me, it will be reflected in that person’s actions. Men will only do what we allow them to do.
Men will only get away with what we let them get away with. Trust me, if a man really wants to be with you and you display what you say, trust me, he won’t violate that trust or try to test you! We may not be able to change a man but we can definitely bring out the best in a man, sometimes I think we forget how much power we have when it comes to men.
So ask yourself ladies is your mouth close or are you getting feed, but not displaying what you’re saying?
Just food for thought….
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please
contact her at
We can run a business, a household, and be Suzy Homemaker, but when it comes to our man we don’t demand the respect that we deserve. As the old saying goes “A closed mouth doesn’t get feed”. And once you open your mouth make sure you say what you mean and mean what you say because actions speak louder than words. I have come to learn that a man will only do what you allow him to do. If you are all bark and no bite then your man will continue to act like a dog.
If you catch your man cheating or have evidence that he is cheating and you address it and he continues to do it, then the foolishness is on you. If you address it and warns him if it happens again you’re out and it happens again and you are still sharing the same bed then the foolishness is really on you! Because at that point you have given him carte blanche to do whatever with whomever because now he knows there are no consequences to suffer.
Ladies that’s why it is imperative to say what you mean and mean what you say! If you tell your man that you will leave his ass if he acts up and he acts up anyway then do it! If you tell your man that he has one more chance and that’s it and he messes up again, make it the last time and bounce! Yes, I said “again”, no one is perfect and even the best of the best mess up from time to time, but if it is something or someone worth having then, trust me, it will be reflected in that person’s actions. Men will only do what we allow them to do.
Men will only get away with what we let them get away with. Trust me, if a man really wants to be with you and you display what you say, trust me, he won’t violate that trust or try to test you! We may not be able to change a man but we can definitely bring out the best in a man, sometimes I think we forget how much power we have when it comes to men.
So ask yourself ladies is your mouth close or are you getting feed, but not displaying what you’re saying?
Just food for thought….
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please
contact her at
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Never Let Them See You Sweat!!
Ladies, I know at times it is very hard for us to hold our tongue. Especially when you know someone is pushing all of the right buttons to make you lose your cool, and they know it. Unfortunately, most times than not, we fall for the bait and prove their point. Yes, I too, have been guilty of this. But the older and wiser I get I realize when we respond in the opposite manner than what they are expecting this really messes them up in the head! At this point they are shook and don’t have a comeback because they only prepared their speech or their reactions for an angry, ignorant person not a smart, cool-minded person.
Just remember once you lose your control you give the other person the power. I have been told by numerous people that I am emotionless or have an “I don’t care attitude”, but the truth of the matter is I don’t wear my emotions on my sleeve. If you have defeated me, gotten the best of me, or hurt me, nine times out of ten you would never know. I have learned to take “It is what it” attitude. If it is something or someone I can’t change, why bother? The bottom line is, “I don’t stress and won’t digress so I can be about of someone else’s mess.”
The other benefit is sometimes the whole situation can become very amusing, and at the other’s expense. Because in most cases, the calmer you get, the madder they get, then they really look like a jackass! If you don’t believe me, try it yourself. If you run across a person who calls themselves putting you on blast or telling you off, just remain calm and respond and a nonchalant manner and check out their reaction, PRICELESS.
Just to my ladies, we as black woman, unfortunately have earned the stereotype as having the “Angry Black Woman’s Syndrome” and unfortunately, sometimes we live up to this stereotype and in most cases rightly so. But I will say this to my ladies, I know it can be very hard to restraint our tongues from saying some very harsh things, but if we could just use this reaction as a last resort or no resort at all I guarantee you that we would see a better outcome of the situation. However, I must say sometimes people leave you no choice but to bring out the “Angry Black Woman’s Syndrome” on that ass. But if you have to use it, ladies please use it wisely.
I’m just saying.
C Double R!
Just remember once you lose your control you give the other person the power. I have been told by numerous people that I am emotionless or have an “I don’t care attitude”, but the truth of the matter is I don’t wear my emotions on my sleeve. If you have defeated me, gotten the best of me, or hurt me, nine times out of ten you would never know. I have learned to take “It is what it” attitude. If it is something or someone I can’t change, why bother? The bottom line is, “I don’t stress and won’t digress so I can be about of someone else’s mess.”
The other benefit is sometimes the whole situation can become very amusing, and at the other’s expense. Because in most cases, the calmer you get, the madder they get, then they really look like a jackass! If you don’t believe me, try it yourself. If you run across a person who calls themselves putting you on blast or telling you off, just remain calm and respond and a nonchalant manner and check out their reaction, PRICELESS.
Just to my ladies, we as black woman, unfortunately have earned the stereotype as having the “Angry Black Woman’s Syndrome” and unfortunately, sometimes we live up to this stereotype and in most cases rightly so. But I will say this to my ladies, I know it can be very hard to restraint our tongues from saying some very harsh things, but if we could just use this reaction as a last resort or no resort at all I guarantee you that we would see a better outcome of the situation. However, I must say sometimes people leave you no choice but to bring out the “Angry Black Woman’s Syndrome” on that ass. But if you have to use it, ladies please use it wisely.
I’m just saying.
C Double R!
Friday, February 25, 2011
Falling in Love is More Exciting Than Being in Love
We all know how it is when you meet that special person, you can’t wait to call them, to see them, to touch them, to make love to them, just the mere mention of their name drives you insane. Even when he or she forgets to call when they said they would you don’t care, you’re just glad that they finally did call. Or when they cancel your date at the last minute, it’s all good because you know they will make it up to you next week. These are the things that we tolerate, or overlook when we are falling in love.
Once we are actually in love things are a little different. Falling in love is always a pleasure in process, being in love is always work in progress. Once you’re in love you’re less tolerant of the excuses, the missed calls and the cancelled dates. Being in love is more about making sacrifices and less about the euphoric feelings you had when you were falling in love. Being in love is about commitment.
Some may say it is easy to fall in love, but it’s much harder to stay in love. Once the novelty of the relationship wears off reality starts to kick in. Staying in love is hard work because you constantly have to think of new ways to keep the spark in the relationship, in and outside of the bedroom, which can sometimes become more of a chore than pleasure.
Everyone wants to fall in love, but does anyone really want to put in the effort to stay in love? Love is not a phase, love is life. When you accept love into your heart you’re accepting love into your life, which means you have to be prepared to take on the responsibilities of love. Love is being there when your partner needs you in the worst of time, not the best of times. Love is accepting your partner even when they change physically. Love is learning to accept your partner for their flaws and loving them the most when they deserve it the least.
If you are willing to take on these complexities of love then being in love may be as exciting as falling in love for you!
I’m just saying.
If you want to meet someone who appreciates all of you and you’re in the Philadelphia area please go to:
C Double R!
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please
contact her at
Once we are actually in love things are a little different. Falling in love is always a pleasure in process, being in love is always work in progress. Once you’re in love you’re less tolerant of the excuses, the missed calls and the cancelled dates. Being in love is more about making sacrifices and less about the euphoric feelings you had when you were falling in love. Being in love is about commitment.
Some may say it is easy to fall in love, but it’s much harder to stay in love. Once the novelty of the relationship wears off reality starts to kick in. Staying in love is hard work because you constantly have to think of new ways to keep the spark in the relationship, in and outside of the bedroom, which can sometimes become more of a chore than pleasure.
Everyone wants to fall in love, but does anyone really want to put in the effort to stay in love? Love is not a phase, love is life. When you accept love into your heart you’re accepting love into your life, which means you have to be prepared to take on the responsibilities of love. Love is being there when your partner needs you in the worst of time, not the best of times. Love is accepting your partner even when they change physically. Love is learning to accept your partner for their flaws and loving them the most when they deserve it the least.
If you are willing to take on these complexities of love then being in love may be as exciting as falling in love for you!
I’m just saying.
If you want to meet someone who appreciates all of you and you’re in the Philadelphia area please go to:
C Double R!
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please
contact her at
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Are You Paying Your Dues or Being Used?
We all have to pay our dues in life, whether it’s to advance in our careers, deal with family issues or have successful relationships. In our careers we may have to work for free to prove ourselves in order to get the job that we want. When it comes to our families we may have to put other things on the back burner to make sure our home life is right. When it comes to relationships it’s a little more complicated.
We all make mistakes in life, especially when it comes to relationships. A good relationship is worth fighting for especially if you believe it is worth keeping. However, you need to differentiate when you are paying your dues versus to just being used. We all have been in the doghouse after we messed up in our relationships, but how long should you pay for a prior deed that you have repeatedly apologized for and not just with words, but with actions?
If your mate repeatedly brings up your indiscretions or your foul ups and tells you that she/he will never forgive you but remains in the relationship, most likely you are being used. If this is the case you may want to cut your losses, take this one on the chin and keep it moving.
If you have shown that you are sorry for your wrongdoings and your mate is moving forward and is trying to put her/his trust back into you again but as you on a short leash then you’re paying your dues. If you have to check in from time to time, leave your cell phone out where your mate can see who’s calling or be home at a certain time, this is called the “probational” period and don’t fret eventually all will be forgiven, but you have to put in the time first before this can happen.
Don’t continue to stay in a situation where you know you’re being used and not paying dues because eventually you will be playing the part of a fool!
I’m just saying!
We all make mistakes in life, especially when it comes to relationships. A good relationship is worth fighting for especially if you believe it is worth keeping. However, you need to differentiate when you are paying your dues versus to just being used. We all have been in the doghouse after we messed up in our relationships, but how long should you pay for a prior deed that you have repeatedly apologized for and not just with words, but with actions?
If your mate repeatedly brings up your indiscretions or your foul ups and tells you that she/he will never forgive you but remains in the relationship, most likely you are being used. If this is the case you may want to cut your losses, take this one on the chin and keep it moving.
If you have shown that you are sorry for your wrongdoings and your mate is moving forward and is trying to put her/his trust back into you again but as you on a short leash then you’re paying your dues. If you have to check in from time to time, leave your cell phone out where your mate can see who’s calling or be home at a certain time, this is called the “probational” period and don’t fret eventually all will be forgiven, but you have to put in the time first before this can happen.
Don’t continue to stay in a situation where you know you’re being used and not paying dues because eventually you will be playing the part of a fool!
I’m just saying!
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