Crazy Azz Women: REAL TALK!!!*** A Blog by C Double R! A blog where men and women can sound off about the male/female relationship.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
The Straw That Broke the Camel’s Back
Even the strongest person has their limits. If you’re constantly tested at some point you are going to raise the white surrender flag, especially when it comes to relationships. When you enter into a relationship with someone you’re not just in a relationship with them you’re also in a relationship with their family, friends, children, and their past.
He or she could be the best thing you ever met and mean nothing but good to you, but if the external relationships start to eat into your internal relationship it could wreak havoc. No matter how much you all love each other if the external relationships are constantly interfering with your relationship it will ultimately damage, or worst, end your relationship.
When you’re in a relationship with someone that you love you try your best to overlook the external things that interfere with your relationship, you try to pick and choose your battles wisely. However, when you have several external factors that cause friction in your relationship simultaneously when do you walk away?
Do you try to stick it out because you know these external interferences are out of your mate’s control and stand by him or her and fight these battles together as a team or walk away? This is never an easy choice, especially if you truly love your mate. But at the end of the day you have to decide what is best for you. If you think these interferences are only temporary and will eventually end, whether it’s a financial, job or a family situation then it’s worth it to try to stick it out. But if you know these problems will be forever ongoing then my advice is to cut your losses and walk away before you can’t walk away because you’re pulled in too deep.
Relationships are never easy and when you have external factors that add chaos to the situation it could make something that once seem so small into a huge unbearable mess. This is when you have to ask yourself, “Is this the straw that broke the camel’s back?”
I’m just saying
Read excerpts from Reactions:
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please contact me at
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
It’s ok to tell him that you need him
Ladies, sometimes we have a hard time letting our partners know how much we really need them, especially independent women. Unfortunately, I must say I am guilty of this. I believe it is a condition that s developed by no fault of our own. When a person, especially a woman, has been independent for so long it’s not in her nature to ask for help when she needs it. If she is use to putting gas in her car, carrying her groceries, taking out the trash or changing light bulbs it’s difficult to stop these habits sometimes without being asked.
When a woman has been forced to be independent or is driven to be independent we forget that it’s ok to ask for help and to get help from our significant others. But sometimes the word “need” is too strong for independent women to use even when they know they should. It’s not because they don’t want the help it’s usually because they are not use to asking or requiring help. So, men don’t take it personal if she doesn’t ask for your help even when you know she can use it.
The best thing a man can do when he wants to help this kind of woman is to just jump in and help because nine times out of ten she will not solicit your help. If she is washing clothes, fold them when they come out of the dryer. If she cooks clean up the kitchen. If her car is on “E” fill up the tank and run it through the car wash. If there are things that need to be fixed or repaired around the house and you can fix or repair them just do it. These are the small things that really mean a lot, especially if she is a busy woman.
It’s not always the financial help that is important but the helping of a hand that is important to the independent woman. As Jill Scott sings in her beautiful song “I Need You”:
I can pay my own light bill baby
Pump my own gas in my own car
I can buy my own shoe collection
I've been blessed thus far
I can kill the spider above my bed
Although it's hard because I'm scared
I can even stain and polyurethane
But some things just don't change
I need you yeah
Sometimes so hard to say oh
I need you
So, to all of my independent women it’s ok to say I need you. It doesn’t make you less independent it just makes you more human.
I’m just saying
Read excerpts from Reactions:
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please contact me at
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
The five categories of women who date married men according to C Double R
First let me put this disclaimer out there, this is solely my opinion based on my experiences and observations of woman who date married men. My Masters Degree is in Organizational Leadership not Psychology, however, I do believe after reading this article most, if not all, of you will agree that I make some very validate points when it comes to the types of women that date married men.
The first woman is the desperate woman. Some women will take a man anyway they can get him, especially if they are young with low self esteem because these kinds of women are easily persuaded to fall into this kind of situation. Unfortunately, these are women who have not recognized their own self worth. This woman could also have the “Retaliation Syndrome”. This is when a woman subconsciously wants to hurt another woman because she has been hurt by this behavior in the past.
The second woman is the woman looking for a Sugar Daddy. These women are looking for sugar daddies to spoil them, but without a commitment. The married man is perfect because they are already committed but most married men who cheats like to spoil their mistresses.
The third woman is the career woman with limited time who’s looking for a little fun but is not ready to settle down. The career woman who dates married men is looking for the comfort of a man, but not a relationship. The married man is perfect because his time is very limited but he can give her wants she wants when she wants it without monopolizing her time.
The Fourth woman is the married woman who cheats with a married man. The married woman who cheats is looking to fulfill her needs that are not being fulfilled by her husband.
The final woman is the unassuming woman. This is the woman who meets the married man but unbeknownst to her she doesn’t know he’s married because he appears to be single (no ring, own apartment, accessible). However, once she finds out she’s so caught up that she continues to date him.
These are the five categories of women who date married men according to C Double R. If you recognized yourself in one of these categories you may want to ask yourself, is it worth it?
I’m just saying.
C Double R
Read excerpts from Reactions:
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please contact me at
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Are you in love with the man, sex, or the money?
Ladies had you ever had to ask yourself this question? Have you ever met a man that put it down so well in the bedroom that you felt like you were in love after the first? Or have you met a man that had money to spare and he spoiled you and you felt like you were in love at the three shopping spree? So the question becomes are you in love with the man, sex or love?
We as women are very influential, especially when it comes to a man that can offer us either good sex or spoil us in abundance. We become so caught up n the sexual escapades or shopping sprees that we no longer see the true qualities or characteristics of the real man. If he’s knocking our socks off in the bedroom on a regular and/or taking us on constant shopping sprees everything else becomes irrelevant. But at some point you will ask yourself is good sex and/or shopping sprees enough to keep me happy?
True love is not built on or formed from good sex and/or shopping sprees but on genuine feelings for one another. These are byproducts of being in love. The best test is to honestly ask yourself, if he lost all of his money could I still love him or if he could no longer put it down in the bedroom could I still love him? If the answer is “no” then you are not in love with the man, you are in love with what that man can do for you until he can no longer do it anymore for you.
So the very next time you meet that man that can throw it down in the bedroom or take you on shopping sprees and you think you’re in love ask yourself these questions? The answer just may surprise you.
I‘m just saying!
Read excerpts from Reactions:
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please contact me at
C Double R!!
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Why pay for tuition when you can get free schooling?
If you had an opportunity to receive a free quality education as oppose to paying for it would you take it? Of course you would. However, education is not always in a classroom setting, sometimes education is all about the education of life experiences.
If you had an opportunity to learn from someone else’s mistakes to avoid making those mistake yourself why wouldn’t you pay attention? If a wise person offered you free good advice why wouldn’t you take it? Some people rather pay a high tuition as oppose to accepting a free quality education. Why is that? Some people just like wasting money, even when they can’t afford it.
My advice is, if you can get a free life’s lessons- learned Harvard education take it! Why would you put yourself in debt when you are offered free life’s lessons from seasoned professors? Sometimes we are so caught up on our own wants and needs we don’t see the big picture which may cause others to get hurt. Stop being an absentee student and come to school and pay attention when the teacher is teaching.
If someone is giving you advice based on their own experiences and they can see that you are about to go through, currently going through or have the chances of going through the same experiences make sure you pull out your notebook and take notes because I guarantee you at the end of the day there will be a test. It’s up to you whether or not you pass.
I’m just saying.
C Double R
Read excerpts from Reactions:
Also make sure you check out Girlz Talk every 4th Tuesday of the month on
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If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please contact her at
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Bills Not Paid, But I Look Good! – Ghetto Fabulous Chick!
This is the woman that has the latest designer fashions, always taking trips, and going out spending money frivolously. On the outside one might envy her and think she got her stuff together, but little do they know! This is the chick that is constantly getting shut off notices for her utilities, maxed out credit cards, and possibly eviction notices. Now, I am not saying all Ghetto Fabulous Chicks fit this description, but a fair amount does.
The Ghetto Fabulous Chick is mainly concerned with her physical appearance and keeping up with the Joneses. Her top priority and job is to look fabulous when she steps outside. She can’t find money to pay her electric or gas bill, but she can find money to buy that Gucci bag. Some Ghetto Fabulous Chicks will live at home or with friends and family members because she prefers to spend her money on the latest fashion trends and not on rent or mortgage.
She craves attention and hate competition. If another woman gets more attention than she does in a public place she will try to do something to divert the attention away from the other woman and onto her. She may openly flirt with the men in the room, or prance around the room to get noticed. Hell, she figured if I took this much effort to look this good then damn it all eyes better be on me.
She may sometimes over do it. She may have a Gucci bag, YSL sunglasses, and Prada shoes. Or she may have a Gucci Hat, Gucci eyeglasses, a Gucci logo shirt and Gucci shoes. Basically, designer overkill, she wants everyone to know what designer she is wearing or carrying 24/7. She usually has the flamboyant nails and toes to match. She may wear big gaudy jewelry and colorful hair with two or three different shades.
How can you detect if you meet a Ghetto Fabulous Chick. Well without stating the obvious, it she has a new car and the gas tank is always on empty, that’s A Ghetto Fabulous Chick. If you go to her house and she has a bunch of shut off and final notices lying around, that’s a Ghetto Fabulous Chick. If she is carrying a $400 handbag with no money inside, that’s a Ghetto Fabulous Chick. If she is always fly and broke, that’s a Ghetto Fabulous Chick. If she always wants to go to fancy restaurants and never offers to pay, that’s a Ghetto Fabulous Chick. Fellas, these are all key signs of a Ghetto Fabulous Chick.
Some men are attracted to this kind of woman because they know she is fly and an attention getters. She will definitely seek attention anywhere she goes. However, Ghetto Fabulous Chicks tend to be needy women. They are always asking or begging a man to buy them this or that or to take them here or there, but never buys the man anything or take him anywhere. You ask why, because her ass is broke! This is a woman who lives way above her means. She is all about herself and if she has kids sometimes she put her desires and wants before her kids.
Another sign is, if this woman is always fly from head to toe and her kids have on run over shoes and shabby clothes, this is definitely a Ghetto Fabulous Chick, not to mention an inattentive mother .
Fellas, please take notice when you meet this kind of woman. Let’s not forget the sex! Oh, she will try to get you caught up with the sex. She will try her best to put it on you so good that you keep coming back for more, all the while she is sticking you for your paper. If she is fine and have a great body she will definitely use that to her advantage, because she knows she is your eye candy and in order to keep her you have to shower her with gifts.
She also likes to brag alot. She likes to let others know how much she paid for this and that and what car she drives and how many trips she’s taken and give you the location of each one. She usually lives in the hood, projects or subsidized housing this is why she is called the Ghetto Fabulous Chick. Her only aspiration is looking good at any cost. Ordinarily she doesn’t plan for the future and live day by day, she loves living in the moment. She usually dates thugs or men she knows that can afford her bad habits because obviously she can’t.
Men, so remember the BBD song “Poison” never trust a big butt and a smile because it will get you caught up every time. However, if this is your type of woman then go for it, I just hope you have a lot of money or ready to go for broke!.
I’m just saying..
C Double R!
Make sure you get a copy of my erotic suspense book REACTIONS by going to or Amazon.
Also make sure you check out Girlz Talk every4th Tuesday of the month on
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please contact her at
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Are You Paying Your Dues or Playing the Fool?
We all have to pay our dues in life, whether it’s to advance in our careers, deal with family issues or to have a successful relationships. In our careers we may have to work for free to prove ourselves in order to get the job that we want. When it comes to our families we may have to put other things on the back burner to make sure our home life is right. When it comes to relationships it’s a little more complicated.
We all make mistakes in life, especially when it comes to relationships. A good relationship is worth fighting for especially if you believe it is worth keeping. However, you need to differentiate when you are paying your dues versus to just being used. We all have been in the doghouse after we messed up in our relationships, but how long should you pay for a prior deed that you have repeatedly apologized for and not just with words, but with actions?
If your mate repeatedly brings up your indiscretions or your foul ups and tells you that she/he will never forgive you but remains in the relationship, most likely you are being used. If this is the case you may want to cut your losses, take this one on the chin and keep it moving.
If you have shown that you are sorry for your wrongdoings and your mate is moving forward and is trying to put her/his trust back into you again but has you on a short leash then you’re paying your dues. If you have to check in from time to time, leave your cell phone out where your mate can see who’s calling or be home at a certain time, this is called the “probational” period and don’t fret eventually all will be forgiven, but you have to put in the time first before this can happen.
Don’t continue to stay in a situation where you know you’re being used and not paying dues because eventually you will be playing the part of a fool!
I’m just saying!
C Double R!
Make sure you get a copy of my erotic suspense book REACTIONS by going to or Amazon.
Also make sure you check out Girlz Talk every 4th Tuesday of the month on
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please contact her at
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Can Mr. Wrong finally be Mr. Right?
Ladies have you ever met a man who was everything you said you would never date but end up falling for him anyway? It’s funny how our priorities changes as we get older. I believe it has a lot to do with age, life and experiences. If you’re a professional woman, perhaps 10 years ago you could never see yourself with a blue collar man. Or if you’re a “good girl” you could never see yourself with a man with a “bad boy” reputation. Why 10 years later these men are now options to you?
As we grow and go through life experiences and mature the things we use to say we would never do we somehow find ourselves doing them with people we never imagined ourselves doing them with. The older you become the more you realize that everyone has a past, and sometimes not all good, but those experiences help shape them into the people they are today. Sometimes in life it is all about timing.
So before you ask yourself why is she with him, he’s a bad boy or why is she with him, he’s a trash man, you may want to ask yourself I wonder what it is that keeps them happy and together? You never know why two people are brought together in life. Could it be to learn and growth from one another? We will never truly know. But know this, sometimes things are just unexplainable and just are, just because they were meant to be.
I’m just saying.
Read excerpts from Reactions:
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please contact me at
C Double R!!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
When You Fall For an Incompatible Sex Partner
Have you ever met that perfect guy? The guy that you have been looking for your whole life; he’s smart, sexy, funny, great job, your family loves him and he makes you smile every time you see him. You think he is the perfect guy until you are faced with having sex with him.
You have anticipated this moment for months. You have dreamt about this moment, you have fantasized about this moment, then the moment comes and it is nothing what you expected. There were no sparks, the sea didn’t part, the fireworks didn’t go off it was just bad sex! So now you are faced with the dilemma of deciding whether or not to stay in this relationship or give it up because of sexual incompatibility.
I must say, this is a difficult decision. Not too long ago I wrote an article entitled “Diamonds and Furs”. It was an article about women marrying men for money and not for love. This situation is different because the woman is in love with the man but there are no sparks in the bedroom.
My advice is to work it out! A good man is hard to find and especially one that you are compatible with in so many other ways. Bring sex toys into the bedroom, role play, try to be creative to bring that spark into you sex life. When all else fails seek professional help. Any relationship worth having is worth fighting for and keeping.
Ladies would you rather have an extraordinary lover that you don’t connect with in any other way or a man that you connect with on all levels, but just need a little tweaking in bedroom? You chose.
I’m just saying.
C Double R!
Make sure you get a copy of my erotic suspense book REACTIONS by going to or Amazon.
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please contact her at
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Ladies, Demand Respect and You Will Get Respect!!!
Why is it that we can be strong and have a “no-nonsense” attitude when it comes to our children, job and family, but when it comes to our man some of us are deficient? Yes, ladies it is time to discuss this topic. It’s time for REAL TALK when it comes to our men.
We can run a business, a household, and be Suzy Homemaker, but when it comes to our man we don’t demand the respect that we deserve. As the old saying goes “A closed mouth doesn’t get feed”. And once you open your mouth make sure you say what you mean and mean what you say because actions speak louder than words. I have come to learn that a man will only do what you allow him to do. If you are all bark and no bite then your man will continue to act like a dog.
If you catch your man cheating or have evidence that he is cheating and you address it and he continues to do it, then the foolishness is on you. If you address it and warns him if it happens again you’re out and it happens again and you are still sharing the same bed then the foolishness is really on you! Because at that point you have given him carte blanche to do whatever with whomever because now he knows there are no consequences to suffer.
Ladies that’s why it is imperative to say what you mean and mean what you say! If you tell your man that you will leave his ass if he acts up and he acts up anyway then do it! If you tell your man that he has one more chance and that’s it and he messes up again, make it the last time and bounce! Yes, I said “again”, no one is perfect and even the best of the best mess up from time to time, but if it is something or someone worth having then trust me, it will be reflected in that person’s actions.
Men will only do what we allow them to do. Men will only get away with what we let them get away with. Trust me, if a man really wants to be with you and you display what you say, trust me, he won’t violate that trust or try to test you! We may not be able to change a man but we can definitely bring out the best in a man, sometimes I think we forget how much power we have when it comes to men.
So ask yourself ladies is your mouth close or are you getting feed, but not displaying what you’re saying?
Food for thought….
I'm just saying
Read excerpts from REACTIONS:
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please contact me at
C Double R!!
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Is swinging more natural than monogamy?
There are only two species that are monogamous by nature. That is the killer whale and the penguin and they are both black and white. So therefore, there is no gray, it’s either black or white. It’s either you are or you’re not. The human species by nature was not born to be monogamous. Monogamy is a trained art and something that has to be constantly worked on because it is not a natural ability for humans. Which leads me to this question is swinging more natural than monogamy?
I believe most women are better at being monogamous because we are naturally emotional creatures and we usually have to have an emotional connection with a man before we become intimate with them. Men on the other hand are physical and lustful creatures by nature therefore it’s easier for them to become intimate with a woman without getting emotionally attached to them.
Swinging is more popular than most think. It’s becoming more acceptable in some relationships because not only does it keep the relationship exciting but in most cases it avoids the inevitable, cheating. If both partners are willing to participate in swinging in order to keep the flame alive in their relationship and to avoid outside cheating then who are we to judge them?
Is swinging more natural than monogamy? I believe from a natural perspective, yes. Most may not agree and I am not saying I condone or participate in swinging but I understand why couples choose to participate in it. It could possibly eliminate the outside cheating and it keeps the relationship appealing. If both partners like it, I love it!
I’m just saying.
Read excerpts from Reactions:
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please contact me at
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Being Big Doesn’t Guarantee the Gig!
Ok, so I was on Facebook the other day and one of my friends had a conversation about the power of sex. Basically he stated just because you know how to please your man in bed doesn’t mean he won’t leave you or cheat on you. Boy, did this start a conversation. So of course the ladies responded by saying just because you’re well-endowed and can lay pipe in the bedroom doesn’t mean that a woman won’t leave or cheat on you either???
Look, maybe back in the day if a woman got sprung out on good sex that was a license for the man to do as he pleased because he knew she wasn’t going anywhere. Now fast forward 20 years later, most women don’t tolerate that stuff, some even flip the script on men these days. If she has a man that can lay good pipe, but that’s ALL he can do, trust, she will have others to make up for his deficiencies. She will have one that can wine and dine her, one that will take her on vacations, one that will fix things around the house, and one that can offer to pay her bills. Notice how I said “offer” to pay her bills. Most women today can pay their own bills and are quite self sufficient, therefore, she doesn’t need a man to pay her bills, but will gladly take donations.
Nowadays women categorize their men like they categorize their shoes. If she feels like being wined and dined then she will call her Manolo Man. If she needs to have something fixed around the house she will call her Timberland Man. If she feels like getting freaky she will call her Come Sex Me Pumps Man. Women are quick to categorize and compartmentalize a man just like men do. So men, don’t think that just because you are laying good pipe that your woman won’t step out on you or close the door completely, WAKE THE FREAK UP!!
Forget the 90’s woman and start thinking about the new millennium woman!! Yes, we are no longer staying on the porch, we are stomping with the big dogs! We are doing it for ourselves and doing it big by ourselves! So don’t let the big penis fool you, because if that is the only thing you are offering, best believe, she has you categorized as the Come Sex Me Pumps Man and will only call on you when she is ready to get freaky, but your ass will stay in that size 9 shoebox until then!
I’m just saying…
Read excerpts from Reactions:
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please contact me at
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Above all, be the heroin in your life not a victim
This is a famous quote by the late great Nora Ephron, may she rest in peace. This statement really resonates with me because I believe all women should live by this saying every day of their life. There are too many women that play victim and look for a hero to save them instead of saving themselves.
Some women like to blame others for their shortcomings instead of looking at the common denominator of all of their bad situations, themselves. It comes a time in life when we have to put our big girl panties on and take charge of our lives! When life gives you lemons you squeeze those lemons to they are bone dry and add a little sugar and sip on some fresh sweet lemonade. Remember, you are the only one that controls your destiny in life and now it’s time to take charge.
Stop playing victim and be the heroin that is dying to get out. It does not matter how many times you fall, what matters is how many times you are able to get up, brush yourself off and keep it moving. Every trying time we face only makes us stronger and prepares us for the next trying time we may face in life. Life is all about evolution, if we don’t evolve in life then we will never know our full potential in life. Push until you can’t push no more.
Are you evolving or are you playing victim?
I’m just saying…
Make sure you get a copy of my erotic suspense book REACTIONS by going to or Amazon.
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please contact her at
Monday, June 25, 2012
Never make someone a priority when you’re just an option to them
I am quite sure we all have been in this situation where we make a person a priority and we’re just an option to them or vice versa. Situations like these are never easy. You always feel like you’re giving too much and they’re giving too little, there is never a time when things are balanced. Eventually there comes a time when you have to decide whether to stay or leave?
When you make a person a priority and they make you an option you are saying you rather settle on having a piece of this person than not to have them at all. Then the question becomes do you love this person more than you love yourself? In addition, you are giving this person permission to do as they please and at the end of the day you are waiting by the phone hoping you are next in their queue.
Unfortunately, sometimes when we are so into a person we lose ourselves and forget about our own self-worth. Sometimes we even look at these situations as a competition, we compete to get this person’s attention, all the while losing ourselves in the process. My advice is, if you’re not satisfied with your position with a person and you have addressed this issue and you have given them amble time to make the adjustments and they still have not, more than likely “it is what it is”.
Don’t sell yourself short. If a person can’t appreciate and respect your love you have for them then maybe they’re not worthy of your love. Never make someone a priority when you’re just one of many options to them because you will always be waiting in the queue. You deserve so much more!
I’m just saying.
C Double R
Make sure you get a copy of my erotic suspense book REACTIONS by going to or Amazon.
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please contact her at
Monday, June 18, 2012
A Closed Mouth Doesn’t Get Fed!!
Why is it that we can be strong and have a “no-nonsense” attitude when it comes to our children, job and family, but when it comes to our man some of us are deficient? Yes, ladies it is time to discuss this topic. It’s time for REAL TALK when it comes to our men.
We can run a business, a household, and be Suzy Homemaker, but when it comes to our man we don’t demand the respect that we deserve. As the old saying goes “A closed mouth doesn’t get feed”. And once you open your mouth make sure you say what you mean and mean what you say because actions speak louder than words. I have come to learn that a man will only do what you allow him to do. If you are all bark and no bite then your man will continue to act like a dog.
If you catch your man cheating or have evidence that he is cheating and you address it and he continues to do it, then the foolishness is on you. If you address it and warns him if it happens again you’re out and it happens again and you are still sharing the same bed then the foolishness is really on you! Because at that point you have given him carte blanche to do whatever with whomever because now he knows there are no consequences to suffer.
Ladies that’s why it is imperative to say what you mean and mean what you say! If you tell your man that you will leave his ass if he acts up and he acts up anyway then do it! If you tell your man that he has one more chance and that’s it and he messes up again, make it the last time and bounce! Yes, I said “again”, no one is perfect and even the best of the best mess up from time to time, but if it is something or someone worth having then, trust me, it will be reflected in that person’s actions. Men will only do what we allow them to do. Men will only get away with what we let them get away with. Trust me, if a man really wants to be with you and you display what you say, trust me, he won’t violate that trust or try to test you! We may not be able to change a man but we can definitely bring out the best in a man, sometimes I think we forget how much power we have when it comes to men.
So ask yourself ladies is your mouth close or are you getting feed, but not displaying what you’re saying?
I’m just saying..
C Double R!
Don’t forget to pick up my erotic suspense book REACTIONS at Amazon
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please
contact her at
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Just because I'm sexy doesn't mean you can sex me!
Just because I wear tight jeans that accentuate the roundness of my bottom, or a dress that compliment my curvy hips and thick thighs doesn’t mean I’m ready to jump in your bed. Just because I’m sexy doesn’t mean you can sex me!
I had a good friend of mine ask me to write about this topic. She wanted me to clear up the misconception of a sexy woman. Some men think just because a woman is sexy she is easy to sex. Now let’s examine the word sexy, shall we. There is a difference from being sexy and being trashy. A woman can be sexy in a pair of jeans and a tee shirt. The jeans may be sexy because they hug her in all the right spots and the fitted tee shirt because it highlights her assets. She is being sexy without even trying and without exposing her skin. Trashy is when a woman is drawing attention to herself for all of the wrong reasons because she have damn near all of her orifices hanging out for the whole world to see. Ladies this is not sexy this is trashy.
As my homegirl Ms. Nikki said just because I am sexy doesn’t mean I want to have sex with you. I’m sexy and classy not sexy and trashy. I’m sexy dressed up or down. I own sexy where others have to lease it with an option to buy.
So guys learn to differentiate sexy classy from sexy trashy and once you recognize the difference make sure your game is tight if you want to be with Ms. Right. If your game is weak then you may end up with the freak of the week!
I’m just saying
C Double R!
Make sure you pick up her new erotic suspense novel REACTIONS now available at
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please
contact her at
Friday, June 8, 2012
The five categories of women who date married men according to C Double R
First let me put this disclaimer out there, this is solely my opinion based on my experiences and observations of woman who date married men. My Masters Degree is in Organizational Leadership not Psychology, however, I do believe after reading this article most, if not all, of you will agree that I make some very validate points when it comes to the types of women that date married men.
The first woman is the desperate woman. Some women will take a man anyway they can get him, especially if they are young with low self esteem because these kinds of women are easily persuaded to fall into this kind of situation. Unfortunately, these are women who have not recognized their own self worth. This woman could also have the “Retaliation Syndrome”. This is when a woman subconsciously wants to hurt another woman because she has been hurt by this behavior in the past.
The second woman is the woman looking for a Sugar Daddy. These women are looking for sugar daddies to spoil them, but without a commitment. The married man is perfect because they are already committed but most married men who cheats like to spoil their mistresses.
The third woman is the career woman with limited time who’s looking for a little fun but is not ready to settle down. The career woman who dates married men is looking for the comfort of a man, but not a relationship. The married man is perfect because his time is very limited but he can give her wants she wants when she wants it without monopolizing her time.
The Fourth woman is the married woman who cheats with a married man. The married woman who cheats is looking to fulfill her needs that are not being fulfilled by her husband.
The final woman is the unassuming woman. This is the woman who meets the married man but unbeknownst to her she doesn’t know he’s married because he appears to be single (no ring, own apartment, accessible). However, once she finds out she’s so caught up that she continues to date him.
These are the five categories of women who date married men according to C Double R. If you recognized yourself in one of these categories you may want to ask yourself, is it worth it?
I’m just saying.
Make sure you get a copy of my erotic suspense book REACTIONS by going to or Amazon.
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please contact her at
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Are you in a relationship or a situation?
Some people have the tendency to confuse these two words and in their defense they truly may not know the difference, so it is my job to help them understand the difference.
You are in a relationship when both parties mutually agree that they are in a relationship and not just one person “thinking” they’re in a relationship when it hasn’t been discussed with the other person. Just because you pack an overnight bag and stay at the other person’s house, doesn’t mean you’re in a relationship. Or just because you have a toothbrush at the other person’s house doesn’t mean you’re in a relationship with this person. If it hasn’t been openly discussed then don’t assume that you are in a relationship, because we all know what happens when people assume.
You may be in a “situation” if you are doing the aforementioned things and you never discussed your status with the other person. Ladies, and men too, don’t be too quick to change your relationship status on Facebook to “in a relationship” if you haven’t discussed it with the other person who is in this “alleged” relationship because you may be in for a rude awakening.
Now on the other hand, if it has been discussed by both partners and it’s mutually agreed that you all are in a “situation” and not a “relationship” and you are satisfied with that status then that is fine too. But if you are unsure of your current status them maybe it’s time you have that relationship discussion with the other person so you know exactly where you stand with that person, instead of assuming.
I’m just saying.
C Double R!
Make sure you pick up my new erotic suspense novel REACTIONS now available at or Amazon
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please
contact her at
You are in a relationship when both parties mutually agree that they are in a relationship and not just one person “thinking” they’re in a relationship when it hasn’t been discussed with the other person. Just because you pack an overnight bag and stay at the other person’s house, doesn’t mean you’re in a relationship. Or just because you have a toothbrush at the other person’s house doesn’t mean you’re in a relationship with this person. If it hasn’t been openly discussed then don’t assume that you are in a relationship, because we all know what happens when people assume.
You may be in a “situation” if you are doing the aforementioned things and you never discussed your status with the other person. Ladies, and men too, don’t be too quick to change your relationship status on Facebook to “in a relationship” if you haven’t discussed it with the other person who is in this “alleged” relationship because you may be in for a rude awakening.
Now on the other hand, if it has been discussed by both partners and it’s mutually agreed that you all are in a “situation” and not a “relationship” and you are satisfied with that status then that is fine too. But if you are unsure of your current status them maybe it’s time you have that relationship discussion with the other person so you know exactly where you stand with that person, instead of assuming.
I’m just saying.
C Double R!
Make sure you pick up my new erotic suspense novel REACTIONS now available at or Amazon
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please
contact her at
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Loved Up, But Not Wifed Up!
Ladies have you ever fell into the “wait until” trap with your man? Wait until I finish school, wait until we buy the house, wait until I get the promotion, wait until I get my divorce? Yes, women will actually stay with a man for years even though she knows he is still married in the hopes that one day he will get a divorce and marry her. Why do so many women fall for the “wait until” game?
The kicker is when the man says “I’m not going nowhere and neither are you so what’s the rush?” WTF!! Are you serious? That’s even more of a reason for him to put a ring on it! A woman will stay with a man for years, have babies for him, buy a house with him and he will never marry her you know why? Because she has already given him everything that a married coupled give each other which mean he doesn’t have any motivation to marry her. I’m just saying!!
Ladies stop playing house and stop putting the cart in front of the horse, make him work for your love. Put your foot down and if that means that you have to remove yourself from the situation to make him realize how lucky HE is to have you as his woman then do it! This is easier said than done, but in the end it is all worth it because at the end of the day you will know if the whole relationship is really worth your time and energy and if that man really loves you like he says he does.
If you are good enough to “portray” the image of the wife by living together, having kids together supporting him emotionally, spiritually and even financially then you should be good enough for him to put a ring on it and make it official and be called the Mrs. and not my lady, girl, love of my life, girlfriend or fiancée!
There is a huge difference between being the Mrs. and the girlfriend/fiancée. When a man introduces his woman as his wife there is an instant respect factor from other women as oppose to him introducing her as his lady or fiancée. Here’s some real talk, if you have a good man and other women know it and if you are not his wife then they see him as “still available”. If you don’t appreciate your worth and don’t make him wife you up then another “smart” woman will because she knows her worth just like she knows his.
I’m just saying!
Make sure you check out my new erotic suspense novel REACTIONS at
Send suggestions and questions to
C Double R!
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Ladies, have you ever taken on a man – as a science project?
Most people think of a science project as an unique project that is created from scratch that has a cause and effect aspect to it, not a man. Cause and effect refers to the philosophical concept of causality, in which an action or event will produce a certain response to the action in the form of another event. Unfortunately, some women think they can take this same analogy and apply it to a man. Some women take on men as if they are taking on a science project. They think they can build a man to their liking hoping it will create the cause and effect they always looked for in a man.
When some women reach a certain age and start thinking about being alone for the rest of their life or their biological clock, they act out of desperation, not common sense and take on any man that will give them the time of day. Unfortunately, this way of thinking does not discriminate. This way of thinking can claim a highly educated woman, a businesswoman, a religious woman, an attractive woman, basically any woman who is feeling desperate.
Desperate situations call for desperate measures. Some women would rather take a man on as a dependent than wait for the right self sufficient man to come along. They will pay off their debts, tolerate their unemployment, numerous kids, and sometimes even their hazardous vices, all for the sake of having a man.
In most of these situations friends can see the writing on the wall, unfortunately, a good number of desperate women don’t listen or refuse to listen to their friends because silently they are hoping and praying that their science project will create the cause and effect they are hoping for, but in most cases it doesn’t.
My advice is ladies don’t take men on as science projects, wait for the man that already provides that cause and effect that you are looking for in a man. Because at the end of the day that great science project may turn out to be one huge disappointment that wasted a lot of your time, energy and money,
I’m just saying.
Make sure you get a copy of my erotic suspense book REACTIONS by going to or Amazon.
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please contact her at
Monday, February 27, 2012
Watch the company that you keep – misery loves company
This goes for both ladies and men, watch the company you keep because misery loves company. It could be anything such as your love life, your success in life or your physical appearance. Have you ever noticed, especially when it comes to women, how your single girlfriends always have something to say about you and your man’s relationship? But she hasn’t been in a relationship for years and the ones that she has been in didn’t go past 3 months. Or why is it that it is always your plump friend that notices when you gain a half a pound and call you on it? Or your unemployed friends who always make negative comments about your job? WTH!
That’s why it’s important to watch the company that you keep. If you have friends that are extremely negative about everything and never have anything nice or complimentary to say, I say cut them and cut them quick. This is a sign of a person who is so miserable with their own life that they want you to be just as miserable, if not more. Women tend to be more catty than men, but there are guys out there who also player hate and don’t give props when they are due.
One thing I have learned is that you can’t help people who don’t want to be helped and you can’t change someone who doesn’t want to be changed. You can lead a horse to water but he won’t drink it unless he is thirsty. People who are constantly negative about others usually have very low self-esteem and they try to pump themselves up by degrading others.
If this sounds like someone you know, step back and walk away. But before you do let them know, “Watch the back you chew out because you may need it one day to carry you.”
I’m just saying.
C Double R!
Don’t forget to pick up your copy of REACTIONS by C Double R at WWW.CDOUBLER.COM OR Amazon
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please contact her at
Friday, February 3, 2012
Courtesy sex
Recently I learned of something called “Courtesy Sex”, not to be mistaken for a Booty Call. Let me break it down so it can forever be broke. A Booty Call is when someone calls you (It can be a man or a woman making the call) either asking you to come over or asking to come over to have sex, but it is not considered a Booty Call if the call takes place before midnight.
Courtesy Sex is when a person (usually a man) has sex with someone out of pity. You may be asking, then why have sex if you really don’t want to have sex with the person? Well, the reason being is because they usually have a history with the person. I was out with a male buddy the other day and he explained it perfectly to me. He told me back in the day he used to date this petite pretty girl who had a banging body and he used to love to have sex with her. Recently he ran into her again. Unfortunately, one of her relatives passed away and she was in town for the funeral. He said the first moment she had him alone she asked when was he going to give her some? She told him she rehearsed this moment in her mind for almost twenty years. He said she damn near cornered him against the wall and started taking her clothes off. He said she was no longer the small petite woman he was attracted to, but he literally said, (his words not mine) she looked like a little bowling ball, round and short. So of course I asked, “Did you give her Courtesy Sex?” and of course he said yes, but he never told anyone because he still couldn’t believe that he did it.
I had several male friends tell me they had Courtesy Sex because they didn’t want to hurt the woman’s feelings. Most of the men had a previous relationship or a sexual history with the women and that is why they had Courtesy Sex. I had one man tell me he had mutual Courtesy Sex with his ex. He stated that they knew it was over and they both agreed to have sex one last time before he moved out. I think that’s different because at least in this case both parties knew the situation. However, when you are the one giving the Courtesy Sex nine times out of ten you’re the only one who knows about the Courtesy Sex situation.
So my question is, why not just say no? Seriously, I rather have a man tell me that he’s just not attracted to me like that anymore, or shit, just straight out lie to not have sex with me because the last thing I want is some Courtesy Sex from a man who is not attracted to me anymore. It’s just not that deep for me.
I’m just saying…
If you want to meet someone who appreciates all of you and your in the Philadelphia please go to :
C Double R!
Make sure you get a copy of my erotic suspense book REACTIONS by going to or Amazon.
To read more articles by C Double R! please visit
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please contact her at
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
The First Date Jitters- Do’s and Don’ts
It really doesn’t matter if you are 21, 31, 51 we all have first date jitters. We all run through the gamete of emotions; excitement, nervousness, and ambiguity when it comes to the first date. Why, because no one really knows what to expect from a first date. It’s as if we become obsessed with the unknown, will we have anything in common, will we click, will he bore me, and how can I cut the date short if I don’t like him? These are all of the questions that run through our heads right before that first date.
Well here are a few things that you should and shouldn’t do on a first date. First, relax. Keep in mind that this is “only” a date, not a job interview. You do not have to bring your resume or three references with you on the date. Besides, something had to attract you to this person in the first place or you wouldn’t have accepted the invitation for a date, not unless it is a bind date, and even so, the same rules apply.
Try to have fun even if there isn’t a love connection. This is still a leisure activity that you planned, so make the best of it. The person may not be your soul mate but he or she could turn out to be a very good friend. Give it a chance. Don’t cut the person off right away if there isn’t an instant attraction to this person. Some of the best and longest marriages have derived from great friendships.
Go on the date with an open-mind. Do not go on the date with a negative attitude. Don’t look for reasons or make up reasons not to like this person without getting to know the person. Some of us can self-sabotage our own happiness because we are too afraid of being happy or worst, the unknown.
Try to plan an activity that you enjoy; biking, bowling, or dancing just in case the person is not what you expected, at least you can still enjoy the activity of the date. Remember, in some cases dating is like shopping, sometimes you have to keep looking until you find what you like and sometimes you won’t find it in the first store that you go into, but you still want your shopping experience to be a good one.
Now here are some of the “don’ts” on the first date. Never ever bring up previous relationships, especially ones that ended badly or ones that you are still not over yet. This will send a red flag to the other person and this is a sure way to get the other person running in the opposite direction fast! Try to stick to basic subjects and try your best not to bring up heated debatable subjects such as religion, previous relationships, or politics.
Don’t interrogate the person on the first date. Don’t throw a barrage of questions at the person all at once. Don’t ask about financial status, credit report, or if the person have a criminal record. Are these all important topics? Yes, but are they necessary questions to ask on the first date? No. Again, remember this is a first date not a police interrogation room and you are not a detective. You are here to get to know the person in general. These are questions to ask once there is a mutual interest and you both have decided that this is something that you want to pursue.
Don’t offer your family plans on the first date, this may scare the other person away. He or she may think that you are ready to get married tomorrow! Try to keep the conversation light, such as what kind of activities you like, movies, foods and things that make you smile. Try not to monopolize the conversation either. Ask the other person questions about them, don’t hog the spotlight.
If you follow these basic rules I guarantee you that you will have a decent date at the least. Remember you are on the date to get to know the person, but in very general terms, no need to over think it. Just go into it with an open mind and don’t put expectations on the other person or yourself. But most of all try to have fun!
I’m just saying!
C Double R!
Make sure you get a copy of my erotic suspense book REACTIONS by going to or Amazon.
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please contact me at
Monday, January 23, 2012
Drama is not Just a Woman Thing!
Have you ever noticed how when two women either argue or fight over a man the man seldom tries to break it up? Not only does he not break it up, he usually sits back and enjoys the show with a big cheese grin on his face as to say, “Damn, I have two women fighting over me. I am the man!” Yes, some men, just like some women, love drama!
I was watching a movie the other day and when the woman thought her man was cheating on her she was ready to go over to the other woman’s house and give her the business until her man was able to calm her down and convinced her that he didn’t cheat with the other woman. However, when he told the story to his boys he said it with a big grin on his face and said he thought it was sexy that his woman was ready to beat up another woman because she thought he had slept with her. May I ask what the hell is sexy about that? Please keep in mind, these weren’t teenagers either, these were thirty plus grown folks.
Another thing some men love to gossip too? You think not, well think again. Some men like to keep the drama going not only in their relationships, but also within their friendships too. Some men like to talk badly about their boys and spread gossip and rumors just like some women like to do. Men hate on other men just like some women hate on other women. This is not a gender thing, but an insecure, immaturity thing.
Usually when people like drama it’s because they have issues within their own lives or with themselves and want to spread the misery around to others. Some people love drama the way others love their daily dose of coffee. It gives them the jolt they need to keep them going throughout the day. Some people are actually addicted to drama. Their motto is “if it’s drama free then it’s not for me!” If you are a person who knows someone like this or is in a relationship with someone like this the best advice I can give you is cut your ties and quick because as the saying goes misery loves company. And if you don’t or don’t want to then maybe I just described you!
I’m just saying.
Make sure you get a copy of my erotic suspense book REACTIONS by going to or Amazon.
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please contact her at
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
It’s Never That Deep to Sneak and Peek!
Do you have the sneaky suspicion that your mate may be cheating? Has he been acting different lately? Coming home late, not returning your calls in a timely manner? Have you been tempted to check his Facebook messages, phone or email? DON’T!
I know this is much easily said than done. But as the saying goes, "if you look for something, you just might find it.” The question then becomes, “Are you prepared to handle all of the possible outcomes?” If you can’t answer “yes” to this question, then you are not ready to go on your massive hunt to prove that your mate is cheating.
My advice is to talk to your mate directly. If you really know your mate you will know when he or she is lying to you. Almost every person have a tell-tell sign when they are not tell the truth. It could be shifty eyes, pacing, constantly rubbing their hands together, or even a twitch. Yes, it is true, almost everyone have a specific giveaway sign when they are lying, especially when they are lying to their loved one. So speak to your mate and pay close attention to their responses and actions. Remember, it’s not always in the verbal response, sometimes the truth is all in the physical response.
I highly don’t recommend snooping and going through their things. Because at the end of the day if you need to do that then you two don’t need to be together in the first place. If there is no trust then there is no real relationship!
I’m just saying!
C Double R!
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please contact her at
Also pick up her erotic thriller REACTIONS at or
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Why Nice Guys Always Finish Last!
Men are always asking, “Why do nice guys always finish last?” Well, here is the answer in a nutshell. A woman wants a man that has swagger and is versatile. She wants a man who can handle his business in the board room, the bedroom and the streets.
Women like a man who can provide financially, sexually and physically. She wants a smart man, but not a nerdy man. She wants a man who can give it to her good sexually, but not a dog. She wants a man who can handle his in the streets and not a punk.
The biggest thing that most women want is a man who is a challenge, not a “yes” man. A woman doesn’t want a man she can walk over, that is a huge turn off! If it’s no challenge then it’s not fun. Most women want a man who knows how to be authoritative and knows how to put his foot down when he needs to. But women also want a man who knows how to give in and knows how to make her feel special.
Unfortunately, most “nice” guys are one dimensional and cave in too easily and that gets old real fast! It’s fun to most women in the beginning when they have a “yes” man that is there to answer their every beck and call, but after awhile it is no longer fun and it becomes downright annoying.
So “nice” guys if you want to know how to get and keep your woman happy then get a backbone! Sorry, but this isn’t the time to go easy on you, this is the time to keep it real. You have to learn how to put your foot down and say “Damn it woman, because I said so!” sometimes. Learn to take charge, learn to be versatile and don’t cave in so easily. Because at the end of the day don’t no woman want a wimp!
I’m just saying.
C Double R!
Make sure you get a copy of my erotic suspense book REACTIONS by going to or Amazon.
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please contact her at
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
When Your Mate Cheats: Should You Forgive, Get Even or Leave?
This must be the million dollar question. What should you do if you discovered that your mate has cheated on you? Do you forgive? Get even? Or packed your stuff and hit the door? There is no one answer for this very complex question. It actually depends on the individual relationship.
First, let me clarify by saying I don’t condone, endorse or enforce cheating but we all have to understand that there is a reaction for every action. For example, if your mate has repeatedly told you that they feel neglected and you need to be more attentive and you choose not to do something about it then this could open up the possibilities of your mate cheating on you. Does this make his or her cheating justifiable? No, but the warning signs were there. But the cheating incident becomes an opportunity to sit your partner down and have a serious talk about your future together and see if the relationship is worth saving. Believe it or not, sometimes when cheating affects a relationship it can make the relationship bond stronger because both partners, especially the cheater, can come to realize what they have and almost lost.
One thing that is not prudent is returning the favor by going out to cheat just to get even. If you do, what does that say about you? If you cheat then you are just as guilty as your partner, if not more. Again, not condoning cheating, but if your partner warned you about your lack of attention to their needs and you refused to change at least he or she tried to talk to you before they turned to an inside person, you on the other hand, is doing it just to get even. Or is this something that deep down inside you've wanted to do and is now cashing in your free cheating chips because your partner cheated on you? This is never the answer because both of you will grow to resent each other which will make for a horrible future together.
Unfortunately, some relationships are plagued with habitual cheaters. No matter what you do to please your partner they will continue to go out and cheat, regardless of anything that you do! Some people aren’t meant to be in a monogamous relationship, period. It doesn’t necessarily mean he or she doesn’t love you, they may just have an insatiable desire to be with numerous people at the same time. Sounds crazy, but it’s true. If you find yourself in this type of relationship then it may be time for you to go solo. One thing I’ve learned, I said it before and I will continue to say it, never make someone a priority when you are just one of many options for them! Step you self worth game up and bounce!
I’m just saying.
C Double R!
Make sure you get a copy of my erotic suspense book REACTIONS by going to or Amazon.
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please contact me at cdoubler2@gmail
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Ride or Die Chick or Desperate Chick?
I am the first to commend a Ride or Die Chick. For those of you who do not know what a Ride or Die Chick is then let me define this kind of woman for you. This is the woman that stands by her man, when others tell her to leave. This is the woman that is the Bonnie to her Clyde. This is the woman who would ride with her man whether he has two dollars or two million dollars. Hence, Ride or Die Chick. But the question becomes when does Ride or Die turns into Desperate Chick?
Every man wants a Ride or Die Chick by his side because he pretty much knows no matter what he does this woman is going to ride with him no matter what? The question is, does this make her a Ride or Die woman or a desperate woman?
Every woman (and man) should have a threshold when it comes to tolerating the intolerable, especially when it comes to their own happiness. It’s cool to stand by your mate side and try to work things out, but if this person is a habitual offender you may want to rethink the terminology of a Ride or Die Chick and start asking yourself have I turned into a Desperate Chick; a woman who is willing to accept and do anything to keep her man?
When you have to constantly beg your mate to marry you, (hence, Chrissy from Love and Hip Hop), or when you have to repeatedly hear rumors about your man sleeping with someone else (Emily from Love and Hip Hop) or have another woman tell you to your face that your man is probably in bed with another woman right now (Kimbella from Love and Hip Hop) you may want to start thinking about an exit plan from your “relationship” and start working on your self esteem.
I understand we all want love and some of us love so hard that we don’t realize when we cross the line to being desperate. Don’t make someone else a priority in your life when you are only an option in theirs!
I’m Just Saying.
C Double R
Make sure you get a copy of my erotic suspense book REACTIONS by going to or Amazon.
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please contact me at
Every man wants a Ride or Die Chick by his side because he pretty much knows no matter what he does this woman is going to ride with him no matter what? The question is, does this make her a Ride or Die woman or a desperate woman?
Every woman (and man) should have a threshold when it comes to tolerating the intolerable, especially when it comes to their own happiness. It’s cool to stand by your mate side and try to work things out, but if this person is a habitual offender you may want to rethink the terminology of a Ride or Die Chick and start asking yourself have I turned into a Desperate Chick; a woman who is willing to accept and do anything to keep her man?
When you have to constantly beg your mate to marry you, (hence, Chrissy from Love and Hip Hop), or when you have to repeatedly hear rumors about your man sleeping with someone else (Emily from Love and Hip Hop) or have another woman tell you to your face that your man is probably in bed with another woman right now (Kimbella from Love and Hip Hop) you may want to start thinking about an exit plan from your “relationship” and start working on your self esteem.
I understand we all want love and some of us love so hard that we don’t realize when we cross the line to being desperate. Don’t make someone else a priority in your life when you are only an option in theirs!
I’m Just Saying.
C Double R
Make sure you get a copy of my erotic suspense book REACTIONS by going to or Amazon.
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please contact me at
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
It Takes More Than a Big Dk to Keep a Good Chick!I
Ok, so I was on Facebook the other day and one of my friends had a conversation about the power of a woman’s sex. Basically he stated that just because you have good sex doesn’t mean that a man wouldn’t leave you or cheat on you. Boy, did this start a conversation. So of course the ladies responded by saying just because you’re well-endowed and can lay pipe in the bedroom doesn’t mean that a woman won’t leave or cheat on you either???
Look, maybe back in the day if a woman got sprung out on good sex that was a license for a man to do as he pleases because he knew she wasn’t going anywhere. Now fast forward 20 years later, most women don’t tolerate that bull, some even flip the script on men these days. If she has a man that can lay good pipe, but that’s ALL he can do, trust, she will have others to make up for his deficiencies. She will have one that can wine and dine her, one that will take her on vacations, one that will fix things around the house, and one that can offer to pay her bills. Notice how I said “offer” to pay her bills. Most women today can pay their own bills and are quite self sufficient, therefore, she doesn’t need a man to pay her bills, but will kindly take donations.
Nowadays women categorize their men like they categorize their shoes. If she feels like being wine and dined then she will call her Louboutin Man. If she needs to have something fixed around the house she will call her Timberland Man. If she feels like getting freaky she will put on her Come Freak Me Pumps and call her Freakum Man. Some women are quick to categorize a man just like men categorize women! So men, don’t think that just because you are laying good pipe that your woman won’t step out on you or close the door completely, WAKE THE FREAK UP IT’S 2012!!
Forget the 90’s woman and start thinking about the new millennium woman!! Yes, we are no longer staying on the porch, we are stomping with the big dogs! We are doing it for ourselves and doing it big by ourselves! So don’t let the well-endowed equipment that you have fool you, because if that is the only thing you are offering please believe she has you categorized as the Freakum Man and will only call on you when she is ready to get freaky, until then she will keep her Come Freak Me Pumps nicely tucked away in her closet!
I’m just saying…
C Double R!!
If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please contact her at
Also pick up her erotic thriller REACTIONS at or AMAZON
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