Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Why Do Married Men Cheat??

First, let me say I can speak about it because I have lived through it. Over the years I have learned that a man can love you, kill and/or die for you, but it doesn’t mean that he won’t cheat on you! Now that’s some real talk for your ass! Unfortunately ladies it’s in most men “make up” to cheat. The best way I can explain it is that most men have an insatiable desire for a variety of women. That’s it in a nutshell.

I had a friend who wanted me to blog about this topic. The first thing I said to the person is just because your husband cheat doesn’t mean that he doesn’t love you and for the most part his ass will not leave you not unless you kick his ass out! As you all know I have several close male friends and I have this discussion with them constantly and the one common response is that they would never leave their wives for another woman no matter how good the punanny is, period.

It has been explained to me that most married men cheat because they need a little variety when it comes to sex to keep the excitement in their marriage (Hey I don’t condone this in any way, but I have to give it to you raw!). I was told even if you have the main dish which could be filet mignon, lobster, or whatever your favorite main dish is, but you need the side dishes like a potato or asparagus to go along with it to make the meal more flavorful. Another analogy that was used to explain why men cheat is ice cream, yes damn it I said ice cream! I was told take for instance your favorite ice cream is “vanilla”, but then you are introduce to a new flavor “Rocky Road” something that looks good and something you never had before and your curiosity gets the best of you and you try it and you like it. So here on out even though “vanilla” is still your favorite every now and again you have a taste for Rocky Road. But when asked what is your favorite ice cream you still respond “vanilla”.

The bottom line is that men are just wired differently than women. The saying men are from Mars and women are from Venus is so true! But let me warn you men, just because your woman or some women like myself, understand this and just because we expect it, doesn’t mean that we are going to accept it!

So let’s be clear, don’t think you can use “it’s in your make up” as an excuse for cheating. Let me give you a little advice, don’t let the taste of the Rocky Road ice cream substitute the vanilla ice cream because vanilla ice cream has been around since the existence of ice cream. Other flavors may come and go, but vanilla is a constant when it comes to ice cream.

I’m just saying..


  1. Married man cheat for the same reason a dog licks his own balls... because he can!
    Often times it has absolutely nothing to do with the wife!

  2. Like I've tried to tell you, it's because we love you. A good woman is like plain cheese pizza. Reliable and always good for us. Every once in a while, we may step out for a slice of pepperoni, but we always come back to plain cheese pizza.

  3. In lue of the recent story in the news about the married woman suing the jump off for millions....can u do a topic about why women sleep w/married men???

    To me, this is the reason men cheat...bcuz women enable, encourage, allow, endorse, etc...or whatever other term u can come up with. If women didn't say yes...then the men couldn't cheat! Thats just my theory!

    Anonymous Woman

  4. There are other reasons as well one is women get consumed with other things kids work chores ect and either feel comfortable or forget the frequency in which they obtained the man. women who r the bread winner for the houshold who don't know how to handle that without disrespecting the man from time to time. Just to state a couple. As for as last comment of women enable us to cheat simple fact is there just isn't enough men for every women and good men which I will use the minimum job and straight is even worse.

  5. There are a great variety of responses, which I love it!

    @ Anonymous- you’re right most married men cheat because they can. PERIOD

    @ Trueman- you aint right!!Just don't get mad when that cheese pizza wants some new sausage on top!!

    @ Anonymous- I am with you. That is a rule that I will NOT break, and trust me there have been quite a few men who wish I would break this rule. I DO NOT DATE OR MESS WITH MARRIED MEN!! That is definitely a deal breaker for me. Now you run the risk of being sued by the wife, all you women who do mess around with married men, I hope you have a good attorney!!

    @ Ok I will agree with that. I can say I too I have been guilty of falling into that mode, where because of the child, school and work my husband was neglected. But that is why communication is the key to any successful marriage. Sometimes we can get so caught up in our day to day we don’t realize the important people or things that we are neglecting. Great point!!

  6. You only cheat when you're not being true to who YOU are...

    Men 'cheat' for the same reason why people steal: they have thievery in their hearts already. A thief will always steal, because stealing is a condition of the heart. It only surprises us when we get stolen from because we had a false image of the person.

    The same applies to men that cheat. Cheating is an act of deception. But the person usually was that way all along; you just failed to acknowledge it because u had on rose colored glasses.

    Mature men are big in the area of integrity.Who he says he is, and what he portrays is usually exactly who he is. An immature man, no matter how big his muscles or his bank account, will compromise his integrity whenever it benefits him to do so.

    Women need a more discerning eye...

  7. nightshift says:

    this is as old and tired as a Sinbad joke…Last time now..like women…because they want to and can…

  8. @ MackNificent wow! Very well said!

  9. nightshift says:

    this is as old and tired as a Sinbad joke…Last time now..like women…because they want to and can…

  10. jazzfan says:

    Well, unless they’re gay, they’re cheating with other women, what role do they play? And don’t give me that BS about “well, the other woman didn’t take vows” or “maybe she didn’t know he was married”. What you doing giving it up so quick if you aren’t sure whether he’s married or not?

  11. jazzfan says:

    Well, unless they’re gay, they’re cheating with other women, what role do they play? And don’t give me that BS about “well, the other woman didn’t take vows” or “maybe she didn’t know he was married”. What you doing giving it up so quick if you aren’t sure whether he’s married or not?

  12. Great post C, I know some woman aren’t comfortable with the idea of their husband cheating but I say if you’re aware of it and you’ve tried everything you can to keep the marriage together for the sake of the kids etc. and it's not working I simply say just get a divorce. If you’ve done everything in your power to keep the marriage together and he continues to cheat, a divorce is the best way out. At the end of the day it’ll make sense for both parties.

  13. It’s almost like it’s a lifestyle for these men who do this. Now I’m not saying that women don’t cheat on their husband but the percentage rate of married men who cheat on their wife or girlfriend is much higher. Sometimes a woman can do all the right things to make their man happy or to pleasure his needs in bed but men just go ahead and cheat anyway. Men forget sometimes that there are not rappers (who shouldn't be held by higher standards) who father a bunch of children out of wedlock.

  14. It’s almost like it’s a lifestyle for these men who do this. Now I’m not saying that women don’t cheat on their husband but the percentage rate of married men who cheat on their wife or girlfriend is much higher. Sometimes a woman can do all the right things to make their man happy or to pleasure his needs in bed but men just go ahead and cheat anyway. Men forget sometimes that there are not rappers (who shouldn't be held by higher standards) who father a bunch of children out of wedlock.

  15. Most married men cheat because wives are not fun in the bedroom after a while. Ladies need to mix it up, be adventurous, be creative.

  16. Most married men cheat because wives are not fun in the bedroom after a while. Ladies need to mix it up, be adventurous, be creative.

  17. This article holds many truths; yes most men have desires for a variety of women and are wired differently than women but I honestly believe if a man commits to long term relationship or marriage it’s because the woman does the right things whatever those right things may be. What tends to happen 90% of the time in my opinion is that the relationship becomes stale and the woman just stops doing what made his man or husband happy in the first place.
    Dave C.

  18. Ladies, you must know your man or the type of person you’re dealing before committing to a long term relationship or even marriage. At the end of the day I believe that's what relationships are for; to find out the likes and dislikes of a person and to make sure that you’re both compatible. If both people really love each other and want to be married; working on the relationship is key. I’ve been married six years to my husband and it hasn’t always been a cake walk, but over the years we’ve both listened to each other’s concerns and we’ve have worked out our issues. My final point is this; both a man and a woman must ask questions and listen to what their partner is saying, for example, are you happy? What do I need to do to make this relationship or marriage better? If you’re not listening and then taking action to your partners concerns, a man or a woman will cheat and you’ll be on the brink for a divorce.
