Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Why Are You Single, If You're Not Gay?

Women, have you ever met that mature decent brother who has a good job, own place, no kids (or take care of his kids), and nice car, but has never been married? Doesn’t it make you wonder why this guy is single? He has all of the qualities that most women look for in a man and he’s easy on the eyes. First, let me say NO HE’S NOT GAY! Unfortunately, men who fit this category are usually simply set in their ways and have grown accustomed to being alone.

It’s almost like a single woman finding out she is pregnant in her late forties, she has to evaluate and decide if she is willing to give up “herself” and her “lifestyle” to prepare for motherhood. Men feel the same way when it comes to settling down after being single for so many years.

Most single men love their “space” especially after they have had it for so long. This would be a life changing decision because he would have to go from a “me” man to a “we” man and most mature men are not willing to do that.

I have a friend who fits this description, good job, homeowner and nice looking in his mid forties and he has never been married and doesn’t have any children, and no he is not gay! So of course you know I had to ask the question, “Why are you single”? He basically said because he doesn’t want to give up his space. He said he loves coming home not answering to anyone, not dealing with someone when he doesn’t feel like it, and doesn’t feel like “changing” at this stage and age in his life.

Most mature men fear they will lose themselves or what they have grown accustomed to if they decide to engage in a serious relationship or marriage with a woman. I do have to agree to a certain degree because most women are needy and demand attention and unfortunately, this deter most mature single men from wanting to be in a relationship, they see it as too much work and too much to give up.

Have women become so needy that it has caused men, especially good men, to not even bother with us? Is it such a chore and “job” to be in a relationship today, especially with a black woman? Most men don’t understand that it’s in a woman’s make-up to be a nurturer and caregiver. We want to nurture our men the same way we nurture our children. We want to provide you with support because we believe in you, not because we want you to push us away.

So men this is just something to think about the very next time you decide you rather have your freedom as oppose to a good woman standing by your side supporting you and loving you. Because your "space" and "freedom" can’t take care of you when you are sick and support you when you deserve it the least or hug you when you need it the most.

I’m just saying.

C Double R!


  1. Billy Kerns

    The older I get, the less tolerance I have for nonsense or people that choose drama over reason.

  2. Bill you kinda just made my point in my article but just keep this in mind Mr. Kerns:
    this is just something to think about the very next time you decide you rather have your freedom as oppose to a good woman standing by your side supporting you and loving you. Because your space and freedom can’t take care of you when you are sick and support you when you deserve it the least or hug you when you need it the most.

  3. Billy Kerns:

    That's what Jack Daniels is for.

  4. Billy Kerns:

    That's what Jack Daniels is for.

  5. Ha ha ha. Bill you always did make me laugh. But Jack Daniels can't "make you feel good" (in my Halle Berry voice from Monster Ball) but I guess that's why one of your hands is bigger than the other????

  6. Billy Kerns:
    Haha. As long as there are ladies willing to put up w/ me, however temporary, my hands stay proportionate. However, first sign of craziness and I send them packing. I'm sure I will piss off 90% of your friends' list but I speak the truth.

  7. I know a group of single men who fit this bill and I tell them constantly that they will be lonely old men changing each others' Depends!
