This is a topic I had to speak on because I have had this conversation with several of my male counterparts and each time I get heated when I have this discussion with a man.
Ok everyone peep this, true story. I have a really good male friend. He is a very attractive man who loves attractive women. He meets this woman (which is not his traditional flavor) he starts dating her, but never really exclusively. So one day we’re having a conversation and he says to me, “Chanel, this woman is like no other woman I have ever met! When I go over to her house she has my bath water ready with my favorite soap and my toothbrush laid out with my favorite toothpaste and my dinner is ready when I get out of the tub. She rubs me down and caters to me in every way possible sexually. She even packs my lunch EVERY day for work (I am talking homemade meals not sandwiches).” So I am thinking to myself damn does she have a brother that can cater to me the same way!! So I ask the obvious question, “So what is the problem?” His exact words were, “She is big as shit!!” Then he goes on to say she is a beautiful girl in the face, but she is just too damn big!
At this point I am furious!! So we go into the whole male/female conversation on how men are physical creatures and women are emotional creatures and so on and so forth. So eventually I just told him, if you truly felt that way about her then you should have never gotten involved with this woman, period!! This situation went on for over three years until he finally had the balls to tell her that she deserves better.
So of course I had to survey all of my male friends in regards to this issue and it wasn’t until I had this conversation with a male friend who kinda put things in perspective for me. So I had to take the Chris Rock stance, I don’t agree with it, but I understand!!
So here’s the deal, he says, what if you met a man and one of the qualities that attracted you to him was that he was a hard working brotha, good job, great work ethic then all of a sudden he just said fuck it and stopped working and laid around all day playing video games? He said men hold a woman’s appearance in the same regard that women hold a man’s work status and ethic.
Now, he did agree that dude should have never gotten involved with ole girl if he knew she wasn’t his flavor from the gate! He then went on to say, what if you and I got together and right now you take care of yourself by working out riding your bike, walking the treadmill to keep in shape, then all of a sudden you just stopped working out and started eating twinkies all day and gained 50 pounds. He said then I wouldn’t be the same person he married and was attracted to, same with him, he wouldn’t be the same man I married if he just stopped working. These are the different qualities that appease the sexes. Bottom line is, men are physical creatures and women are not only emotional creatures, but are drawn to strong powerful men or at least a brotha with a job!!!
I don’t agree with it, but I understand (in my Chris Rock voice)!!
What’s your take and keep it 100?
C Double R!
Lenny has love for the weight impaired.....not a big issue for me.....@ all!!"
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, I come from a different perspective because I don't view beauty from the outside. Keeping it real! Yet, I am attracted to attractive women, but that's not who I date! A brother can screw anybody that has a hot box, but won't date or marry someone that he isn't fully into (generally). For me, I've learned my lesson about superficiality in relationships. I've had bad experiences with the "pretty" girls. Yet, in my past, I've had a chubby chick or two and they were some of the more genuine type and treated a brother like he needed to be treated. I wasn't mature enough at the time to fully respect that back then, but I wouldn't stray away from a big girl now...
ReplyDeleteoh yeah....this topic gets me heated also. Why?? because it was fine when her big a** was puttin it dwn in the bedroom and the kitchen....oh but jst too big to be your lady (in public)......puhleez!!
ReplyDeletePersonally, I don't mind a big girl; just more of you to love. But there comes a point where you might want to get on a treadmill.
ReplyDeleteAnd some you anonymous guys on here kill me with "beauty from the inside thing." You need to love a woman inside and out, but her "intellct" isn't popping out of the back of her jeans like two Christmas hams the first time you meet her.
It’s nice to know that there are guys out there who aren’t considered Shallow Hals.
ReplyDeleteAnd as far as anonymous, if he can’t do me in public he definitely wouldn’t be doing me in the bedroom!! I’m just saying..
Thanks for blogging guys!!
There's noting wrong with being a big girl. As you can see sometimes a big girl treats a man way better than a skinny girl. I don't think weight should be a issues especially if she's cute in the face. Weight is somethng that can be worked on and that can change. That's what's wrong with todays society, society has us thinking that fat is ugly. You can have the man or woman of your dreams staring you right in the face but because of a minor flaw(she's fat) ur going 2 pass it up...Shameless
ReplyDeleteSounds to me like the dude was gay and I think big gal had flipped her script too due to the weight gain and she thought she could have her cake and eat it too!!! Mind me on this here???Most people not matter overweight or under,superficial or mental are out for something.This dude knew she was overweight and may not been able to have kids and she may been out to get that and the Swing Game!!! They both should had been REAL UPFRONT SO NO HARDSHIPS IF ANOTHER SHIP CAME IN FOR EITHER ONE!!!Sounds like both of them go after the unattainable for the thrill and pay dearly in the END...LOL!!!!! HE SOUND GAY,SHE DO TOO AND HIDING SOMETHING UNDER THAT FAT,UNLESS THE GUY WONDERING BOUT HER HAVING A BROTHER WAS A SECLUDED THOUGHT FROM HIS SELF CONSCIOUS OF RAPE DONE TO HIM OR HER BOTH!!!I know lots of people that have been through this!!!!! Im no quack or Reverend or Deacon,but I PRAY THEY APPOLOGIZE AND OR FORGIVE CAUSE WITHOUT THAT FIRST ALONG WITH GOD THE RELATIONSHIP IS GOING TO GO "BOOM"!!!!! MOST PEOPLE NEED TO GET THE BAGGAGE OUT THEIR LIVES OR CLOSETS THAT IS BAD AND KEEP WHAT IS GOOD THEN SWEEP,BURN,SHOVEL OR BLOW THE REST AWAY LIKE DAILY DUST OR FALLEN SNOW...HALLELUJAH!!!!!!! Me...I love a non superficial unmaterialistic woman no matter what size as long as she is healthy and hasnt deformed her body for the selfish & wrong things...again,HALLELUJAH!!!!!!! FROM;
ReplyDelete***** Crimson Ice a.k.a. I.C.E.~T.R.E. *****
@ Crimson Ice- I appreciate you comment but unfortunately you missed the mark here! One, the guy is not gay nor is the woman ( I am curious how did you draw that conclusion??). And two, she has kids and neither one was ever raped??
ReplyDeleteThe bottom line is he thought he could change his thinking process and learn to love her in spite of the weight but he couldn't so therefore he let her go.
That's pretty much it in a nutshell.
Thanks for blogging..
Sandi Bee said:
ReplyDeleteOh, now I have a situation where I'm checking this guy & he's feeling me to and he loves my 'PHAT, but I'm not fat enough.....go figure. Ok he's got a little pudge on him but I can see pass that cause he's well groomed, well spoken, decent conversation, financially stable, generous, haven't tested the waters yet & prob...ably never will cause guess what, he done went & hooked up with a 'fat' girl. And I aint hatin' I'm just sayin'. To my 'Big Sistas' if u got it & can git it u go 4 it! But b careful! Make sure he likes & wants you for you and u can tell. If he only comes over after dark. If he's always to busy to take you out, especially out to eat. If he seems to get an attitude with you for no reason. Don't sell youself short by giving & giving & he's taking & taking & you still feel empty & alone(boowho,oh, sounds personal...Lol) just to say you got a man. I'm a size 12/14 BIG GIRL WHAT! I'm the size of a plus size model. See my prospect is missing out on dating a model....Lol PHATTY...
Sandi Bee said:
ReplyDeleteOh, now I have a situation where I'm checking this guy & he's feeling me to and he loves my 'PHAT, but I'm not fat enough.....go figure. Ok he's got a little pudge on him but I can see pass that cause he's well groomed, well spoken, decent conversation, financially stable, generous, haven't tested the waters yet & prob...ably never will cause guess what, he done went & hooked up with a 'fat' girl. And I aint hatin' I'm just sayin'. To my 'Big Sistas' if u got it & can git it u go 4 it! But b careful! Make sure he likes & wants you for you and u can tell. If he only comes over after dark. If he's always to busy to take you out, especially out to eat. If he seems to get an attitude with you for no reason. Don't sell youself short by giving & giving & he's taking & taking & you still feel empty & alone(boowho,oh, sounds personal...Lol) just to say you got a man. I'm a size 12/14 BIG GIRL WHAT! I'm the size of a plus size model. See my prospect is missing out on dating a model....Lol PHATTY...
to me, it's no diffrent than a woman being with a man who can afford her all the material things for her she wants but he may be emotionally unavailable, physically abusive, liar, cheat, married etc or just no chemistry at all. It' just wrong either way to me.