Monday, September 26, 2011

Set a Date with Your Mate

Sometimes we get so comfortable in our relationships that everything becomes routine and we forget to date our mate. The minute we stop dating our mate is the minute we start losing interest in our relationship. So to avoid this problem, make a date with your mate.

A good way to keep your relationship fresh is to have an affair with your mate. Yes, I said have an affair with your mate! If your name is Lisa change your name to Sasha when you call to flirt with your mate. Schedule a date with him and don’t arrive together. Meet him at the movies, restaurant or wherever you planned to meet. When you see your man waiting for you, walk up to him and introduce yourself as Sasha with the sexiest smile you can muster up. The key is to be someone you’re usually are not around your mate. If you usually wear button up shirts to your neck, unbutton a few buttons, or if you usually wear long skirts, throw on a sexy mini skirt. If you usually don’t wear make-up or wear your hair down put on that shiny lip gloss and let your hair down, after all it’s all in fun and it’s a great form of foreplay.

How does that saying go, “If you want to keep me then you have to continue to do the things you did to get me”. People, I have to tell you, this is more than just a phrase, it’s a fact. This goes for both men and women. If you cooked for your man 5 days a week but now you only cook once a week, that’s a problem. If you use to buy your woman flowers once a week and now she only get them once a year, that’s a problem. If you all use to have passionate sex at least three times a week and now it’s once a month, this is DEFINITELY a problem!

I understand that life can sometimes get in the way, but anything worth having usually requires a little work on your part. If you appreciate your mate then show him or her. Make a commitment to date each other and make a promise to never stop dating each other. If you never stop dating each other then you will always have excitement in your relationship.

I’m Just Saying

C Double R!

Make sure you pick up my new erotic suspense novel REACTIONS now available at

If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please

contact her at

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Are You in a “Relationship” or a “Situation”?

Some people have the tendency to confuse these two words and in their defense they truly may not know the difference, so it is my job to help them understand the difference.

You are in a relationship when both parties mutually agree that they are in a relationship and not just one person “thinking” they’re in a relationship when it hasn’t been discussed with the other person. Just because you pack an overnight bag and stay at the other person’s house, doesn’t mean you’re in a relationship. Or just because you have a toothbrush at the other person’s house doesn’t mean you’re in a relationship with this person. If it hasn’t been openly discussed then don’t assume that you are in a relationship, because we all know what happens when people assume.

You may be in a “situation” if you are doing the aforementioned things and you never discussed your status with the other person. Ladies, and men too, don’t be too quick to change your relationship status on Facebook to “in a relationship” if you haven’t discussed it with the other person who is in this “alleged” relationship because you may be in for a rude awakening.

Now on the other hand, if it has been discussed by both partners and it’s mutually agreed that you all are in a “situation” and not a “relationship” and you are satisfied with that status then that is fine too. But if you are unsure of your current status them maybe it’s time you have that relationship discussion with the other person so you know exactly where you stand with that person, instead of assuming.

I’m just saying.

C Double R!

Make sure you pick up my new erotic suspense novel REACTIONS now available at

If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please

contact her at

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Don’t Carry Someone Else’s Baggage!

I attended a very interesting women’s empowerment luncheon the other day and the speaker made a statement that resonated with me. To quote her she said, “Don’t carry someone’s baggage”. Just to put this in context she was referencing the business world, but I immediately thought this could be applied to personal relationships too.

The question that lead to this response was “How do you prepare yourself for a meeting with a manager that you know have preconceive notions about you or someone like you, whether it’s because of your age, gender, race, sexual preference, etc?” You don’t, you don’t allow their preconceive notions change the true you and your agenda, in essence don’t carry their baggage.

This train of thought can be easily applied to our personal relationships. Sometimes we try to change who we are to gain another person’s trust or love because they have preconceive notions about us. If someone loves you then they will love you for you, period. You should never change the true you just because someone can’t handle or respect what you represent. Because if that’s the case then they don’t deserve you in the first place!

Some men have certain ideas about certain women; independent woman, overweight women, soft spoken women, provocatively dress women, and the list goes on. This doesn’t mean they don’t have a right to their opinions, but they do need to acknowledge facts and let the woman’s actions speak for themselves before they decide to place her in a general box.

Bottom line is this, you can’t always make someone change the way they think, but you can definitely educated them on the true you! Never carry someone’s baggage because it will only chip away at your true authenticity!

I’m just saying!

C Double R!

If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please contact her at

Also pick up her erotic thriller REACTIONS at

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Ladies this is a very important topic. I know how it is when you first meet a guy who you think is fione as all get out and you get butterflies in your stomach when you see his name come up on your caller id or when you see his car pull up in front of your house. The first thing you say to yourself is “he can get it!” Well ladies I am here to tell you, pump the brakes!

I have learned through experience and from conversations with other women when you learn the value of keeping your stuff to yourself it’s priceless. A man will do all he can to get you in the bed if he is really feeling you physically. He will wine and dine you, take you shopping, fix things around your house, take you on trips, basically anything when he is in pursuit of the booty.

A smart woman knows the power of the “Untapped Wanted Booty” and she will use it to her advantage. Now this is not to say she is not feeling the dude but she knows the value of her body and she will not just give it to the first dude that is interested and is willing to do anything to get it. However, this doesn’t mean she won’t use it to her advantage either. However, in the interim a smart woman will also find out if dude is just interested in her booty or her being. An intelligent woman knows what the deal is. However, a smart and conniving woman will play this game for as long as she can or until dude realizes that he is just being played. So fellas just some words of advice “Game recognizes game” so make sure yours is tight.

I’m just saying.

C Double R!

If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please contact her at