Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The five categories of women who date married men according to C Double R

First let me put this disclaimer out there, this is solely my opinion based on my experiences and observations of woman who date married men. My Masters Degree is in Organizational Leadership not Psychology, however, I do believe after reading this article most, if not all, of you will agree that I make some very validate points when it comes to the types of women that date married men.

The first woman is the desperate woman. Some women will take a man anyway they can get him, especially if they are young with low self esteem because these kinds of women are easily persuaded to fall into this kind of situation. Unfortunately, these are women who have not recognized their own self worth. This woman could also have the “Retaliation Syndrome”. This is when a woman subconsciously wants to hurt another woman because she has been hurt by this behavior in the past.

The second woman is the woman looking for a Sugar Daddy. These women are looking for sugar daddies to spoil them, but without a commitment. The married man is perfect because they are already committed but most married men who cheats like to spoil their mistresses.

The third woman is the career woman with limited time who’s looking for a little fun but is not ready to settle down. The career woman who dates married men is looking for the comfort of a man, but not a relationship. The married man is perfect because his time is very limited but he can give her wants she wants when she wants it without monopolizing her time.

The Fourth woman is the married woman who cheats with a married man. The married woman who cheats is looking to fulfill her needs that are not being fulfilled by her husband.

The final woman is the unassuming woman. This is the woman who meets the married man but unbeknownst to her she doesn’t know he’s married because he appears to be single (no ring, own apartment, accessible). However, once she finds out she’s so caught up that she continues to date him.

These are the five categories of women who date married men according to C Double R. If you recognized yourself in one of these categories you may want to ask yourself, is it worth it?

I’m just saying.

C Double R

Read excerpts from Reactions:


If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please contact me at www.cdoubler2@gmail.com

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Are you in love with the man, sex, or the money?

Ladies had you ever had to ask yourself this question? Have you ever met a man that put it down so well in the bedroom that you felt like you were in love after the first? Or have you met a man that had money to spare and he spoiled you and you felt like you were in love at the three shopping spree? So the question becomes are you in love with the man, sex or love?

We as women are very influential, especially when it comes to a man that can offer us either good sex or spoil us in abundance. We become so caught up n the sexual escapades or shopping sprees that we no longer see the true qualities or characteristics of the real man. If he’s knocking our socks off in the bedroom on a regular and/or taking us on constant shopping sprees everything else becomes irrelevant. But at some point you will ask yourself is good sex and/or shopping sprees enough to keep me happy?

True love is not built on or formed from good sex and/or shopping sprees but on genuine feelings for one another. These are byproducts of being in love. The best test is to honestly ask yourself, if he lost all of his money could I still love him or if he could no longer put it down in the bedroom could I still love him? If the answer is “no” then you are not in love with the man, you are in love with what that man can do for you until he can no longer do it anymore for you.

So the very next time you meet that man that can throw it down in the bedroom or take you on shopping sprees and you think you’re in love ask yourself these questions? The answer just may surprise you.

I‘m just saying!

Read excerpts from Reactions:


If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please contact me at www.cdoubler2@gmail.com

C Double R!!