Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Above all, be the heroin in your life not a victim

This is a famous quote by the late great Nora Ephron, may she rest in peace. This statement really resonates with me because I believe all women should live by this saying every day of their life. There are too many women that play victim and look for a hero to save them instead of saving themselves.

Some women like to blame others for their shortcomings instead of looking at the common denominator of all of their bad situations, themselves. It comes a time in life when we have to put our big girl panties on and take charge of our lives! When life gives you lemons you squeeze those lemons to they are bone dry and add a little sugar and sip on some fresh sweet lemonade. Remember, you are the only one that controls your destiny in life and now it’s time to take charge.

Stop playing victim and be the heroin that is dying to get out. It does not matter how many times you fall, what matters is how many times you are able to get up, brush yourself off and keep it moving. Every trying time we face only makes us stronger and prepares us for the next trying time we may face in life. Life is all about evolution, if we don’t evolve in life then we will never know our full potential in life. Push until you can’t push no more.

Are you evolving or are you playing victim?

I’m just saying…

Make sure you get a copy of my erotic suspense book REACTIONS by going to or Amazon.

If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please contact her at

Monday, June 25, 2012

Never make someone a priority when you’re just an option to them

I am quite sure we all have been in this situation where we make a person a priority and we’re just an option to them or vice versa. Situations like these are never easy. You always feel like you’re giving too much and they’re giving too little, there is never a time when things are balanced. Eventually there comes a time when you have to decide whether to stay or leave?

When you make a person a priority and they make you an option you are saying you rather settle on having a piece of this person than not to have them at all. Then the question becomes do you love this person more than you love yourself? In addition, you are giving this person permission to do as they please and at the end of the day you are waiting by the phone hoping you are next in their queue.

Unfortunately, sometimes when we are so into a person we lose ourselves and forget about our own self-worth. Sometimes we even look at these situations as a competition, we compete to get this person’s attention, all the while losing ourselves in the process. My advice is, if you’re not satisfied with your position with a person and you have addressed this issue and you have given them amble time to make the adjustments and they still have not, more than likely “it is what it is”.

Don’t sell yourself short. If a person can’t appreciate and respect your love you have for them then maybe they’re not worthy of your love. Never make someone a priority when you’re just one of many options to them because you will always be waiting in the queue. You deserve so much more!

I’m just saying.

C Double R

Make sure you get a copy of my erotic suspense book REACTIONS by going to or Amazon.

If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please contact her at

Monday, June 18, 2012

A Closed Mouth Doesn’t Get Fed!!

Why is it that we can be strong and have a “no-nonsense” attitude when it comes to our children, job and family, but when it comes to our man some of us are deficient? Yes, ladies it is time to discuss this topic. It’s time for REAL TALK when it comes to our men.

We can run a business, a household, and be Suzy Homemaker, but when it comes to our man we don’t demand the respect that we deserve. As the old saying goes “A closed mouth doesn’t get feed”. And once you open your mouth make sure you say what you mean and mean what you say because actions speak louder than words. I have come to learn that a man will only do what you allow him to do. If you are all bark and no bite then your man will continue to act like a dog.

If you catch your man cheating or have evidence that he is cheating and you address it and he continues to do it, then the foolishness is on you. If you address it and warns him if it happens again you’re out and it happens again and you are still sharing the same bed then the foolishness is really on you! Because at that point you have given him carte blanche to do whatever with whomever because now he knows there are no consequences to suffer.

Ladies that’s why it is imperative to say what you mean and mean what you say! If you tell your man that you will leave his ass if he acts up and he acts up anyway then do it! If you tell your man that he has one more chance and that’s it and he messes up again, make it the last time and bounce! Yes, I said “again”, no one is perfect and even the best of the best mess up from time to time, but if it is something or someone worth having then, trust me, it will be reflected in that person’s actions. Men will only do what we allow them to do. Men will only get away with what we let them get away with. Trust me, if a man really wants to be with you and you display what you say, trust me, he won’t violate that trust or try to test you! We may not be able to change a man but we can definitely bring out the best in a man, sometimes I think we forget how much power we have when it comes to men.

So ask yourself ladies is your mouth close or are you getting feed, but not displaying what you’re saying?

I’m just saying..

C Double R!

Don’t forget to pick up my erotic suspense book REACTIONS at Amazon

If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please

contact her at

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Just because I'm sexy doesn't mean you can sex me!

Just because I wear tight jeans that accentuate the roundness of my bottom, or a dress that compliment my curvy hips and thick thighs doesn’t mean I’m ready to jump in your bed. Just because I’m sexy doesn’t mean you can sex me!

I had a good friend of mine ask me to write about this topic. She wanted me to clear up the misconception of a sexy woman. Some men think just because a woman is sexy she is easy to sex. Now let’s examine the word sexy, shall we. There is a difference from being sexy and being trashy. A woman can be sexy in a pair of jeans and a tee shirt. The jeans may be sexy because they hug her in all the right spots and the fitted tee shirt because it highlights her assets. She is being sexy without even trying and without exposing her skin. Trashy is when a woman is drawing attention to herself for all of the wrong reasons because she have damn near all of her orifices hanging out for the whole world to see. Ladies this is not sexy this is trashy.

As my homegirl Ms. Nikki said just because I am sexy doesn’t mean I want to have sex with you. I’m sexy and classy not sexy and trashy. I’m sexy dressed up or down. I own sexy where others have to lease it with an option to buy.

So guys learn to differentiate sexy classy from sexy trashy and once you recognize the difference make sure your game is tight if you want to be with Ms. Right. If your game is weak then you may end up with the freak of the week!

I’m just saying

C Double R!

Make sure you pick up her new erotic suspense novel REACTIONS now available at

If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please
contact her at

Friday, June 8, 2012

The five categories of women who date married men according to C Double R

First let me put this disclaimer out there, this is solely my opinion based on my experiences and observations of woman who date married men. My Masters Degree is in Organizational Leadership not Psychology, however, I do believe after reading this article most, if not all, of you will agree that I make some very validate points when it comes to the types of women that date married men.

The first woman is the desperate woman. Some women will take a man anyway they can get him, especially if they are young with low self esteem because these kinds of women are easily persuaded to fall into this kind of situation. Unfortunately, these are women who have not recognized their own self worth. This woman could also have the “Retaliation Syndrome”. This is when a woman subconsciously wants to hurt another woman because she has been hurt by this behavior in the past.

The second woman is the woman looking for a Sugar Daddy. These women are looking for sugar daddies to spoil them, but without a commitment. The married man is perfect because they are already committed but most married men who cheats like to spoil their mistresses.

The third woman is the career woman with limited time who’s looking for a little fun but is not ready to settle down. The career woman who dates married men is looking for the comfort of a man, but not a relationship. The married man is perfect because his time is very limited but he can give her wants she wants when she wants it without monopolizing her time.

The Fourth woman is the married woman who cheats with a married man. The married woman who cheats is looking to fulfill her needs that are not being fulfilled by her husband.

The final woman is the unassuming woman. This is the woman who meets the married man but unbeknownst to her she doesn’t know he’s married because he appears to be single (no ring, own apartment, accessible). However, once she finds out she’s so caught up that she continues to date him.

These are the five categories of women who date married men according to C Double R. If you recognized yourself in one of these categories you may want to ask yourself, is it worth it?

I’m just saying.

Make sure you get a copy of my erotic suspense book REACTIONS by going to or Amazon.

If you would like to ask C Double R! any questions, leave comments or topic suggestions please contact her at